Specially for you...
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Shing Signing Off......
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Doing laundry is..
darn tiring...
don't procrastinate...
Shing Signing Off......
Friday, 21 November 2008

A nice cuppa Toffe nut latte and Berries Chocolate log cake to end my not-so-good day..
Simply enjoying~~~~!
Shing Signing Off......
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Had a totally random fire drill just now... Performance: all of us would have turned into roast pigs by the time we got down. But it was really totally random ma...who would expect a fire drill in the middle of the night????????? They are going to have another one again next week..which was like
wth la.. creating havoc out of nothing..
End lesson at 7 today. Super shack.. that feeling of walking around sch when the sky is dark is quite relaxing, but not good.. it means that yet another day has passed...
Everyone is looking drained out now, busying rushing all the projects, assignments, tests.... Next week is the last week of sch! Which means I am going back soon!! *mixed feelings~~~*
I want to go travelling.........................................................
Shing Signing Off......
It's mid-november now!!
Thursday, 13 November 2008
After a month of anticipation, Hong Kong is getting cold...like finally.. It's about 17 - 23 degrees outside, depending on the sun and on the strength of the wind. Cooling sia...but still COLD! Luckily I still have some jackets and long sleeved shirts to spare..but I want to buy more!! =)
Today is the day for our study abroad fair! It's a fair meant for HKU students to seek more info on overseas universities they would like to go on exchange. We, the Singaporeans, of course didn't let the chance go..must proved to them we are not ah thiongs!! haha. We did quite a bit of preparation work beforehand, and it was fun! The day itself was fun too! Didn't expect so many ppl to visit our S'pore booth, seeking info on exchange. Btw, NUS is by far still the most popular choice!! Brochures were all given away, lots of info asked by students going over for exchange next sem etc.. NUS rox man!! =) haha..NTU still buey pai la huh heh =). Photos coming up!!
This week has been quite torturous for me, with 2 tests on hand. But I managed to relax myself as and when, to the extend that I feel that whatever I studied previously just seem to vanish from my brain cells =( Hope I can still pass the test..all I ask for is a pass for that test..
For bbf workshop today, we watched a super hilarious movie! Totally enjoyed myself! haha The bad news: reflection writing at the end of this =( I still have lots of backlogged journals to clear!!!!!
On a random night, I spoke to him. A lot of things have taken place since I stepped foot on hk & I guessed I missed out quite a bit of stuff. But as I chatted with him, I realised I have started to put things down, the anguish which I felt previously seems to fade away... I am glad that right now, I am still able to chat with him, with more ease. Keep things this way.....Just as what hl said, why so serious?? things will go for the better somehow..
Going Mongkok to shop this friday!! Yet a thunderous bad news has to come: make-up lesson from 6-7 ~.~"" Why???????? Totally spoilt my week. But don't care, am still going! Bbq at the beach on Sat! So looking forward to it! haha.. hope my gastric can get better then...it has been hurting for the past few days and I don't what's wrong with it. Hope roomie's med helps else I'll have to knock on the doc's door =(
Btw, I will be flying back on the 28th of dec instead. Sudden change but ya.. A bit sad that I won't be able to travel much but china is really super freezing cold at the end of the year.. Just glad that I can spend X'mas here in hk!!! Whee oh whee~~~!! =)
Shing Signing Off......
tHe DaYs wHeRe i gEt sLauGHtERed..
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Exam dates are out:
10/12 -- CHEM3106 Symmetry, group theory and applications
15/12 -- CHEM3404 Advanced organic chemistry
17/12 -- ECON0402 Industrial Organization
17/12 -- CHEM3304
Organometallic chemistry
The dates are quite packed & I have 2 heavy papers on 1 day!!! The 17
Man...hope I can survive it through...
3 more weeks to reading week..
Mouh sih gaan le!!!!
To those in
SMU, add lots of power ya!!
Shing Signing Off......
The change
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
" The true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope. "
-- Barack Obama
(1st black to be elected as US president)
So beautifully was the word Democracy defined.
Indeed, strength do not simply come from wining unjustified battles and amassing wealth within a restricted group.
The true strength of a nation is derived from its citizens. That, is the true meaning of democracy.
To the US and to the world: may the rainbow appears before us soon.....
Shing Signing Off......
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Realised haven't been blogging for quite some time. Blogging do need the cultivation of feelings huh....Quite a few things happened recently... some good, some bad... which made me view things slightly differently, but not yet quite enough. Maturity and EQ needs time to cultivate I guess......But whatever it is, I won't let myself be too affected by all these. A smile is the answer key to everything! =)
Went exploring with rach on sat. It was quite a different experience, apart from the usual shopping and building-seeing... We got lost, but had fun getting lost... What's exploring without some hiccups? lolx! I want to go exploring again!!!
Me & rach
Yup...I cutted bangs.
Overall comments were good, just that I am still a bit not used to having hair on my forehead....
Guang's birthday was last thursday. Happie birthdae to u!!!!! =) I was kind of shocked that only a small part of the gang went, but I guess everyone is busy chionging huh. Jiayou ya everybodies!! And that applies to me too heh...Anw, I still want the photos and videos ya. Yours truly here wants to be as 八婆 as possible right here in hk haha :p
And...I miss miss miss you guys back home!!!!!!!!!!! Yea..I am having fun (mmm..i guess so lol) here in hk, but fun without you all is kind of incomplete. Yes...pressies pressies...I WILL remember...What kind? mmm....depending on how you all treated me lo wahaha! :p
4 more weeks till exams for me. Loads of backloggings, plus 2 tests on the way. Time passes by so fast...I haven't got the time to do lots of things! Speaking of that, I have a sudden craving for THE mango drink..slurpslurp!! =)
Ok. Shall continue with my backlog clearing...till then........... =)
p.s. homebear..congrats man.. You have just created a happy comotion for everyone haha!
p.s.s thanks to buddy sis, for updating, for listening, for advising =)
Shing Signing Off......