Now i know where my roomie learnt that posture from.
It's innate.
Shing Signing Off......
Yay!! I survived through 3 tests!!!!!
Mentally exhausted..
Went to gi mall to shop to relieve some stress. Saw a lot of interesting stuff but didn't buy much...
Highlight of the day: overnight k-box. The timeslot is too exhausting.....
will jio u next time de waysi =) was our TGIF 8 yest...7 more to go??? mmm....
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Shing Signing Off......
My roomie just wrote me a 'Never give up' card!!
So sweet~~!!!
Life's never boring with u around.... =)
Love ya roomie! Jiayou too!! =)
Shing Signing Off......
School starts again after a not-so-enough 1 week break.
Woke up without having enough sleep... Luckily managed to catch the bus.
1st lecture: still ok.
Went down to mac for breakfast. Ordered from a not-so-friendly girl who dosen't seem to understand english. My canto still cmi what...The grilled chicken is nice, shall try it next time.
2nd lecture: ultimately boring! The prof just went on & on about her research. Goodness, are all scientists like that? Ever so passionate about their research? I hope I won't be like that...~.~'''
Spent the next 1 hour printing notes & slacking at the com centre...y am i still wasting time when I have 3 tests this week??!!!!
3rd lecture: equally boring. Felt so stuffy & bored during the 2 hr lect that I decided to reward myself a mandarin muffin. Didn't enjoy it as much though..I wonder y.... Muffins are supposed to make me happy.........
Passed the tai yang bing to wenjie & he complained it's lua already, all because of me quashing it.. I didn't lo... bleah!
Got on the bus back, had a short chat with kenniese & robi. Felt happy for roomie that she finally receive her mail from S'pore (*glance at my letter on the board*). It's always heartwarming to receive love from someone back home.. Smiles for her =)
Ok back to organic....disgusting......=(
Shing Signing Off......
Whoosh..finally after a hectic 6 weeks of schooling, recess week is here!! Taipei here I come!! =)
We took the airport shuttle to the airport in the morning. My 2nd time stepping into hk airport, but this time around is flying away! Took a short flight on China Airlines to Taoyuan International Airport. The flight was not too bad, even had hot snacks during the 1++ hr flight. Slept all the way through..shack!
Reached Taipei at around noon and took a shuttle bus to our hotel. 2 years since I last visited taiwan. Everything is so strange yet so familiar.

on the bus..

Got a shock once we reached our hotel. The exterior looks a bit sleezy and we need to lug our luggage up the stairs to the lobby!! ~.~" But luckily the room is still not too bad, at least the room is clean, the bed is big & comfy and most importantly, it is very near Xi Men Ding! =)

1st stop: yummilicious lunch at Tamagoya! Then it was shopping all th way at Xi Men Ding!! =)

ke le bing
pork cutlet

the famous Ah Zhing mien xien!!!! damn delicious
jay chow having his autograph session at Xi Men Ding!! And I missed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~.~
At night, we went to sing at party world. Don't be mistaken by the party world in S'pore, the tw version is super luxurious! They have room service and even have a toilet inside or room. Cool!! Sing until super shuang!
they have the whole building to themselves..
room right??
2nd day: a visit to the Gu Gong museum. The museum has a lot of chinese artfacts ranging from the shang dynasty to the qing dynasty to the modern chinese republic.

the mrt in taipei..they call it metro..
stairs to the museum..

lunch at a nice place

After that we went to yang ming shan to enjoy the hot spring! shiok! =)

the whole room to ourselves!
At night, we went over to tan shui for a walk before heading to shi lin market. It was full of stuff to buy! Clothes, shoes, food....I haven't had enough of it...=(

3rd day: The search for Wesley's flute shop, which is located at I-forgot-where.. Spent abt half an hour just to find an address which do not even exist. In the end, the shop was located in a building which was quite a far walk from where we stopped ~.~"" But oh well, listening to him playing the flute was good enough to compensate the trip (even though it would be better if he can pla more songs lol!) It was his happiest day out of the trip~~! haha...
After that we went to Wu Fen Pu and Rao he. The place had a lot of shops selling clothes but I still prefer Shi lin. Wu Fen Pu is more of warehouse selling and most of the clothes on sale are now winter clothes =( Can't buy too much else will be wasted in S'pore.

Had a nice dumpling dinner in the midst of heavy rain. The dumplings are much nicer than the ones we had over at the same brunch in HK. But all in all, hk dumplings are still the best!!!

Had a bowl of not very nice fen yuan..I can actually eat awful stuff in taiwan ~o~...

Last day, it was a short visit to Taipei 101. Didn't go up the observatory this time as I went up the other time. Not exactly worth the 2nd time up, especially with the ticket price. Did some camwhoring outside the building before we shopped around Xi Men Ding again for the last time. Argh..4 days just isn't enough for a Taiwan trip!! But oh well, can still go there next time..though not so soon yet..

the red twin!!

me and the ad-hoc lover

the 'wheelchair'

the flute i got it from the duty free shop
Bought a lot of Tai Yang Bing and pineapple tarts back for the exchangees. Yum Yum! Had a great dinner with them on fri night! It was fun sharing our trip & listening to their experiences over at Guilin and Hunan. It shall be my turn to visit Cheena at the end of the year!!!!!!!! =)
Shing Signing Off......