I miss Singapore..
Missing family and friends...
Missing the days where I feel comfortable to do what I want..
Missing my sweet comfortable room...
Missing everything which I hold close to my heart...so close......
My heart still aches but I will try to forget....be happy and blessed....
p.s. And thx for the video guys.....it's so heartwarming...*misses*
Shing Signing Off......
3 big news occured within a week. Is the world really falling apart?
- Fall of the Lehman Brothers, 1 of the 5 biggest investment company. AIG almost followed the same fate, luckily it was saved by the funds pumped in by the federal government. This news was quite a shock as many in hk and in s'pore queued outside AIA to ask about their investments. Now i wonder if mum had any investments on hand with AIA mmm... If AIG was to fall, the shock would be too big for the economy...
- Milk scare in China. This is not the 1st time we heard about food with overdosage of chemicals. Not only food, toys too. For heavens sake, could the manufacturers have some morals?? Does money really mean so important? Much more than lives? It is already bad enough that the milk is being watered down, it has to be ade worse by the addition of melamine to boast protein level. Really very dissapointing.. Now, we can't eat egg tarts for fear of contamination. Starbucks is affected, not drinking milk tea for the time being etc etc... Damn those immoral manufacturers.
- Typhoon in hk. I managed to hide from Nuri but not Hagupit ~.~ Signal 8 on tuesday night. Could hear the howling wind blowing strongly, trees swaying and the banging of blown objects. Strong wind plus heavy rain, can't even hold my umbrella straight. 1st time experience of typhoon man... Signal 3 the next morning and we were like wth, dourpouring with strong winds and yet we have to go to school. Anw, everything went back to normal in the afternoon. No worries, I am safe!
Hope to hear some good news for the coming weeks. GIve me some hope that the world hasn't fall apart!
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23/09/2008: hk monthsary
1 month plus 1 day ago, I was still at Singapore, getting ready for my flight, for my journey, only to realised that the flight was delayed, again, again and yet again because of the typhoon....Had a great company with the guys. With you around, I won't cry, cause I am always happy around you all. No matter how sad, I just can't bring myself to cry in front of you all...
The part where I almost teared was on the actual day of my flight, when I really have to say goodbye, when I left my dad who was in constant worry for me. Each time I hear their voices, tears would still well up... And the voices of you guys...brightens my mood for the whole day! =)
Hku is now my second home. School here is the same as back home, stressful, loads of stuff to catch up on. But the lecturers are still not that bad, at least I can still understand what they are saying. But it is taking a whole lot of my time and energy. Exchange is just different from holidaying boo~~

4 weeks down, I have been to quite a number of places, but not yet quite enough. I visited Causeway Bay a few times that I am kind of familiar with the place (though I still can get lost..)Been to Mongkok for shopping 3 times but haven't really bought a lot. Shopped items to list: 3 shirts, 2 shoes, 1 bag. And that is all......sadded. I spent most of my money on food and groceries...way too much argh! Even the trip to the factory outlets at tung chung remains futile. Only victory item was the jacket from Espirit. That was the proudest trophy of them all. pathetic.
Some random shots:

Tourist attractions: Macau, Ocean park, the peak, stanley market. It was full of fun fun fun! And my body keep getting dark dark dark =( Autumn, where are you???

Now that I have stayed here for a month, I guess I can share with you all some thoughts about living here in hk.
1st, source for cheap and good food. Dim sum is good. But not recommanded to eat it everyday, every meal. Best way to save $$, eat when they have promotions, like during some odd hours e.g. 2-4pm. That way, you can have a full stomach without exploiting too much on your wallet! Food is also cheap during mornings; you can get a meal 20-30% cheaper than normal times . Eat a full breakfast (brunch) and make it last through the day, then reward yourself with a good dinner!

gong zai min

the ever famous dim sum

ju pa bao

nai cha

ju pa min
2nd, prepare sandals and shoes if you are planning to tour hk. This place is full of slopes!! Wear heels at your own risk. Ironically, hk is full of heels. You are hardly find flipflops and slippers around. The slack culture is unique to Singapore. Transport is expensive! If it's a short distance, just walk and train your leg and butt. A octopus card is what you need to travel around.
3rd, learn cantonese! Everyone speaks cantonese here. It's a torture not able to understand them or express your thoughts to them although they do speak chinese as well (but not as good). Our accent is actually more recognisable than you think. More than one has already asked if I am Singaporean.

4th, learn their culture! I am still learning man....
5th, slim yourself down before coming. Hk is really limited in space; room is small, streets are narrow, restaurants are small, even the toilet cubicle is small ~.~"" I wonder if hk ostracise fat people. Speaking of that, my tummy is bulging......
One month down and there's so many things to pen down. But all in all, I am still adjusting well to life here and hopefully will be for the remaining months. There are a lot more places to explore and I want to venture out to taiwan and china. More photos uploaded on facebook!!
p.s. to the crazy woman I am living with, thanks for the support. =)
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double tones from Ocean Park trip.
hate it!
hope it recover soon...!! ~o~
and our monthsary is coming soon.....
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Long weekend last week!! whee oh whee~~! Hong kong follows china's in celebrating mooncake festival and we get to have an additional day off! Decided to go over to macau over this long weekend..haven't been there before so am a bit excited. This trip is what that keeps me alive ater a long week of schooling~~
And so we took a bus to tst ferry terminal & bought the tickets. It was so early in the morning..so sleepy....

the board telling the departure timings
=) We were dressed nicely..all because of the dress code in the casino. Kenn was the most 夸张, wore shirt, pant & leather shoe. Looked like an office boy haha!
The ferry we board is called 1st ferry and it was so comfortable! fully air-conditioned (a bit too cold though.. comfy seats with tables..). The ride to macau was very shaky, can literally feel the waves when I wrote my arrival card on the table..
Welcome to macau!!
the macau ferry terminal..it's full of ppl trying to lure you to take their rides & hotels..
the hotel shuttle bus which take us from the terminal to our hotel..almost couldn't find it as it was parked behind other buses..
Our hotel! it's a 3 star hotel & the 6 of us shared a deluxe suite. Nice & comfy beds & showers...whoots~!

Straight after putting down our bag, we went to search for this restuarant which sells nice pork bun. This is the famouslious 猪扒包..feel like eating more... yum yum!

Macau have lots of scooters..weirdly though they didn't really have any bikes. didn't managed to catch any. Think h & leo will be sadded if they were to stay at macau lolx!
And their taxis are black & white! Kinda surprised that they actually used these inauspicious colours. way si suggested that it looked more formal, so as to be in par with the casino formal image...mm..i wonder huh..
Our 1st stop: Fisherman's Wharf. According to the website, it's a themed park with rides. Went to taiwan's fisherman's wharf & it was super nice! This was the anticipation I had of macau's version when we were heading there..
So we got out of the wharf & went walking around th deserted island...Alp! Some snapshots..

Their postbox. So big! I think u can buy stamps there straight & post immediately..
whereas in comparison, the street signs are like soo small~~
the a-ma or guan yin statue~~
After that we followed the directions of a lady who works in the drink shop & came to 新马路. Finally some signs of life!

Straight from the postcard! lol!
St. paul's ruins...can make into postcard too!

Night falls & we went to watch the greyhound race. A 1st time experience! The entrance ticket is also uber cheap..

Dunno which breeds the dogs are of. Super long & thin legs. They can be dog models if they choose to retire haha!

Up next..the fireworks festival! busy busy!! We were lucky to be able to catch the fireworks. It was so super nice!! lots of ppl there..

Nice eh? it has been quite sometime since i caught fireworks..the last time was during ndp haha. Initially wanted to go up the macau tower but there a lot of ppl! So instead..we rushed down to catch a glimpse of the casinos. Afterall we were all dressed up for that!

Caught some interesting sights ard the casino..rows of atm & pawnshops.. haha..just in case the gamblers need to withdraw cash or even to pawn away their valuables...& clothes? lolx!
Day 2: went to the famous 妈祖庙..another super hot hot day!
Taken from alice's mouth: It's a Shack-a-liu-liu trip! Next: Ocean's park~~! =)
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