hall life in hk..
Sunday, 31 August 2008
tonight went to the hall canteen to have a bowl of super salty soup mee for dinner. on our way back, happen to catch the cheer fight between the 3 halls: wei lun, lee hysan & r.c. lee.
Their way of cheer fighting is so different from what I experienced in singapore. When I used to stay in hall, our cheering is more wild & on the fun part. But theirs, more of a military style...

Wei lun (look like hdb flat in hk)

the hall residents all stand in the podium, each hall facing the other halls
look at the way the stand...like about to sing the the national anthem
and they put their hands straight high up. i had never stand so straight & formal in my life, not even at the most formal events, morever it's just doing cheers
and their cheers, so disciplinly read out. loud & strong

a total hall culture shock!
Shing Signing Off......
sHiNgsHiNg in hk!
Saturday, 30 August 2008

heyyo! sorry for the lack of updates during this period. Days in hk had been really hectic that days ended as if each only lasted 12 hours instead of the 24... Am tired but tired in a good way =)
On the 1st note, shall thanks and give my love to those who sent me off on the 22nd. Am really touched, especially when the gang accompanied me throughout when the flight was delayed. Speaking of that, it was total sian-ness when the flight was delayed from the initial 8.30 am to 3.15 pm due to the typhoon. It was the 1st time in my life that I meet such a situation. And in case you all didn't know, the flight was delayed again and again to 7.15am on the next day. By then, I am just relieved to be able to see my flight showing the correct timing on the board. Consolation to this long delay is that I managed to avoid the typhoon which I heard is the strongest ever; I get to sleep on my comfy bed in my own sweet home for another additional day; I get to get the gift from hw;..............................
Anyway, back to the point, although it wasn't the real farewell but i still aappreciate it man. Muacks to all! =)
While on the plane, just couldn't believe that I am really going to hk, with alice. So much work and problems surfaced ever since the start of application and we survived! yay! Success is sweet! Reach hk, 1st impression was that hk is really really full of people! People from all over the world, speaking languages that I can't understand (shall really learn my canto soon.....)
Anyway, spent a few days settling down & went to a few places to eat & shop. Along the way, met up with a lot of friends, a large group from nus, some from ntu & smu and the others from other countries. I guess this is the whole point about being an exchange student; to know more friends, to learn new culture and to learn how to adapt to a new environment. Right now I guess I am still very much myself, under the 'protection' of so many local friends who knew their way here much better than me. But I hope to learn new stuff, to be stronger, to communicate better and to be less blur! Shing is still trying!!
If I say I don't miss home & all my friends back at home, I am lying. I really do miss the company.... But oh well, shall start calling some of you when I misses home too much (that room mate of mine yaks on the phone so much that I sometimes wonder if I misses out anything back home lol...)
School is starting next week and my timetable is super packed! Sadness... There are still so many places which I want to go!! The guys here keep saying that we still have 4 months.. Really lo, 4 months will pass with a blink of an eye.. So don't expect too much of me here...I just hope I won't miss out anything in hk please!!!!!
Alritez, enough of this essay writing haha..I am very much settled down now, just not very much so for the schooling aspect.. I am very much turned off by the labs as always but well, I am hoping for the best. At least i still have ad-hoc lover with me here on this journey! haha
On an ending note, I MISSES U ALL BACK HOME!!!!!! Check out all my photos on facebook! =)
Shing Signing Off......
Friday, 29 August 2008
Almost a week here in hk, shingshing is doing well. A bit busy, a bit tired, but still coping well.. Didn't have the time to blog so just check out my photos on facebook 1st. Will try to finish uploading the soonest possible!! Want to contact me just leave to msg here or phone! =)
Shing Signing Off......
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Woots!! Shingshing is in the land of dim sum! (finally man -- for those who know what happen)
Shall update real soon!! =)
(Be alert for some random calls wahaha...)
Shing Signing Off......
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Alrite...this is the day.
Can't imagine that it is so fast...
That jittery, excited feeling is in me now,
even though things are all prepared
Whoosh! It's gonna be a new phrase of my life man.
Going to miss you people, everyone, especially after the last meet-ups..
Thanks guys..
And see you all again next year.
Bye Singapore, bye home~~~~
Shing Signing Off......
Farewell Sentosa..
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Shing Signing Off......
The day of sian-ness....
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
I guess the saddest thing now is not be able to witness what you have been working on for the last 3 months or so. I mean the show & tell was okay, not that I particularly liked it, but the science kit -- so much planning, so much work in it and yet it has to be pushed again & again to I dunno when. I am not exactly depressed about it, just that it feels so weird, kind of incomplete, and the feeling of sorry-ness that I have to leave my dear syee behind alone (she was kind of pissed off..really ha). But well, let's see how things goes ba...hopefully we can deliver our 'babies' together. The joke about videotaping it for me, I don't exactly find it funny though.....
Anw thx bud for being my trash can haha...I will really miss you for the next 5 months. And the gang, the 3 mahjong kakis + the 'australian', the chemists, the ppl in hall, the family,.....................
1 more week ad-hoc lover!!
Shing Signing Off......
A note to my O-est bud:
Monday, 11 August 2008
Take loads of care and cheer up soon. The rainbow will always appear after a heavy storm, everything will be fine.
Don't worry too much ya?Will be more than happy to hear you 'complain', so don't think too much =)
Shing Signing Off......
Rag & flag
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Shing Signing Off......
Friday, 8 August 2008
Shing Signing Off......
Monday, 4 August 2008
Today went down with mum to watch ge tai downstairs. It was quite nice, especially the songs, I liked most of them! There are a lot a lot of people crowding around the stage to watch the show, and some especially to catch liu ling ling, the female lead in 881. I must say she is quite experienced in hosting ge tais, made the show very entertaining.
Besides people, there are a lot of cars too, jamming the way out. And my dad was complaining about the lack of carpark spaces, he has to park all the way at 339 instead haha!
一年才一次的七月歌台, 还蛮不错的吗! =)
All the best to flaggers tomrl...
And good luck to those not flagging =p
Shing Signing Off......
In my own world..
Friday, 1 August 2008
It's the month of august. Month of the ndp, month of dad's birthday, month of sch reopening, month of my flight... And this year the 1st of august clashes with the 1st of july of the chinese calender, so fast eh. And on this very day of coincidence, I have to come down with a cold.. Feel so weak that I spent my afternoon sleeping. I guess the "It's time to exercise!" alarm is ringing inside my body =x
Had a chain of realistic dreams again while sleeping. Whenever I had such dreams, I wonder if it is a phenomenon or it's just my brain gone haywire with the attack of the virus. Often the scenarios are of those which I feel it will never happen (anw most of my dreams don't really happen though).
Is it a good sign to dream to things that may happen or is it good to leave dreams as it is..well I guess it is not for me to decide... *head throbbing*
Anw, just saw those temporary stages setting up at my house carpark and smoke flying around since last night. My house is gonna be boomed by loud songs & opera singing again for the next few nights. Sometimes I am glad to have such things at my house area as all these ge tais and opera are part of the dwindling chinese tradition and to be able to see them without having to travel far is kind of a blessing; some people may not even get to see all these. But sometimes, I really feel like shutting them up, especially when a lousy singer is up in place. Man! But this year is ok, at least I do not have to study like last year, at least I don't have to wake up early for school like last year (except for my tuesday nights)
1st of august, 21 days to go. The feeling of queasiness has been in me. Although most of the admin stuff are said to have been settled, there just seem to be a lot of things left to do. Things which I felt are still kind of early to do, things which I think I already had in mind...And sometimes, I do get missing prangs, of those whom shared a lot of memories with me, of those whom I used to chat for hours. But well, it's gonna just be 5 months right? (short compared to those who has been away like forever like my dear nicole). I guess it'll be over soon and perhaps I may not want to come back instead haha. I want to enjoy every moment..
Right now I am putting most of my focus on my 448 'babies' (mine & hers =) ) I really can't wait to see them, especially when we spent so much time & effort conceiving them. Hope it'll receive good response. Alright..time for a nice dinner to tune back my body. I want something nice!!
Shing Signing Off......