P = paranoid
Monday, 30 June 2008
ok...maybe I am paranoid.. Because I just have too many weird realistic dreams, almost every night... Just what am i paranoid about I do not know...
Firstly, the air ticket incident. Ok maybe i know the problem to this. There are quite a bit of issue regarding this and I truly am stressed up. But hey..everything is settled and yes, we are flying off on the morning of 22nd august!
Secondly, the friend incident. This is super duper ubber weird, I seriously don't know why does this friend enter into my dreams. Firstly, sometime long ago, I dreamt about attending the wedding dinner of this friend, and now, I dreamt that that friend is attached! Through facebook! ~.~" Maybe I use facebook too much? But no leh, I haven't been going there for a week le...... Perhaps I was meant to be a matchmaker for this friend..or perhaps I dunno what....
Thirdly, I forgot what it is.. I can still remember it the 1st hour I woke up but it kind of flew away now that I am writing this. And I am so not going to make myself recall that for now...
Anyway, I woke up this morning with another shock.. I looked like an indian now!!!! But hey I am loving it...at least I have loads of fun at the southern ridges and I am going to be even blacker! Call me Sivalingum Shing!
Besides having fun and getting real tan, shing is having some serious stuff too.. At least the admin work and the teacher aid is keeping me busy lest I rot in front of the comp, which I am now actually. There are quite a bit of relationship stuff to settle too...but I being on the low end of the EQ scale often find myself getting tangled in stuff which others have no problems in. While I am excited about the fashion module I might be getting, I was also hoping for a module which can teach me on better communication, not just on the business level but also on the personal level. Call it SOCI 001 -- How to improve your EQ and communicate better.
Ok..enough of whining. Shing is going to rot in front of the comp again. Ask me out guys! For breakfast, lunch, tea or dinner!
Shing Signing Off......
Cycle cYcle
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Wee~~ Yestie went ecp to cycle with the chemists. Quite some time since i last cycle so am quite excited!! Met them in the morning and we cycled for 2.5 hours...1st time i cycled soo long, until my butt ached..lotz..
We cycled all the way to near changi beach haha...was the 1st to cycle till so far too. The scenery was very nice, very relaxing...to be able to see the sea and the sky..

this picture is so candid..2 diff groups cam-whoring at the same time wahaha..
We stopped by the garden to snap some photos and to rest a while.....pretty!

After that, we stopped by bedok jetty. The scenery really wowed me off...very beautiful..with the sea so green and the sky so blue..

And of course..the wind soo strong that we have difficulties riding forward..

At the end of the whole cycling trip, my whole body is aching like mad..this is the result of not exercising for too long haha.. So we went to a indonesian restaurant to have a well deserved meal..

The place serves nice flattened chicken with 'flattened' rice haha

Really nice!! guess we were all hungry & tired....
And this...

..is the reminder that i am still a beginner... but who cares? haha I am still equally excited about the sun's trip with the gang! (hope my butt recovers by then..) Wee~~~=)
p.s. i want to say paiseh to that in-the-same-bus-as-me-yet-i-didn't-notice someone...I am very cocked-eye at times lol
Shing Signing Off......
The belated belated birthday
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Ok..this is very belated for yn... Hers was on the 28th last month but we only met up yestie! Oh my..sorry gal..
Compensate it with a long session of singing at k-one! But of all things, I have to get a red eye that morning ~~" It was so red & sore so had to visit the doctor which i waited for abt an hour~~ Got some antibiotics from the doctor which has a disgusting bitter after taste..yucks~
ok..back to singing.. Met them at ard 12 and we sang all the way till 6...shiok! I guess i won't be going for any k-box session for quite some time after that haha... Just somehow or another we didn't get to get high during the session but well it was still quite shuang to chiong all the gary chow songs with yn! haha wee~~
After that they went off to have dinner at pasta mania while i went back. Didn't get to meet up with jean that night..so sorry.. Shall update again on our next meet-up! =)
Shing Signing Off......
Happy birthday leo!
Some late updates... last sat went for leo's birthday party (Another person joining the adult gang wo ) Here are some of the pics..
His was a buffet styled dinner..food wise quite alritez. It's the talking that spices things up

I love this pic... =)

It's another open pressie session for leo... but.....

End up hl opened for him ~~" haha..no comments..

The end-product (after a short scare..)

After opening the presents...it time to cut the cake!!!!!!

the creamy cake..with super nice chocolate inside
(leo: it's so girly
me: well...the typical 21st cake hahaz)

Happy birthday!! =)

He has a very unique way of cutting the cake...indeed...

Hurry leh..we want cake!
Time for pics!!!

Happy 21st leo! =) May your ultimate birthday wish come true!
Shing Signing Off......
EnD oF spEciAL seM wiTH a sPeCiaL dAy
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Special sem is finally over!! After a write-a-lot-yet-can't-finish-chui paper, the group of 'special' chemist decided to give ourselves a long deserved break!! =)

The day is reserved for a meal at raffles city =)
We went to a japanese marche-style restaurant. Previously don't exactly like to go marche as it's always a pay-a-lot-yet-not-so-filling experience. But this time round the jap version is not bad! I liked the ambiance there and its market style of ordering food...

To start, we need to obtain these cards from the counter...

...in order to buy all these yummy yummy food!!

Eat eat eat as we snap




And snap!!
After that we went to take neo-prints!! It has been ages since I took neo-prints. It was fun! Super funny..but the end product was a bit....~.~"' 我们好像真的老了

Nvm... at least we have this group pic =)

And this from my ad-hoc lover wahaha ^.^

After that went to walk around a bit...super shuang! Let's have such outings more often! =)
Shing Signing Off......
Thursday, 19 June 2008

He's on paper!! And i realized it only now...goodness...
Mr Tong is like my 偶像 la...GP = a world of wonders with him around
congrats congrats! =)
"Because it is beyond your exams that matters most.."
Shing Signing Off......
Dedicated to my best kakis!!
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Buddies...are the ones who are willing to wake up early for a get-to-gather, even though it is a last minute decision...
Buddies...are the ones who are willing to engage in some boring stuff, just for your sake...
Buddies....are the ones who will always say "nvm la!" when you said "paiseh paiseh, sorry sorry"
Buddies...are the ones who will always crap with you, tolerate your lameness & childishness and cover your unglam-ness with a laugh...
Buddies....are the ones who always share secrets with you, and you can be sure that yours are safe with them....
Buddies...are the ones who makes my life so fulfilled, with them I can be myself freely..
Buddies...are the ones I will always treasure above anything else...
Cheerios to my best buds!! =) loves*
Shing Signing Off......
Why is the lab coat white??
Friday, 13 June 2008
So that mums can put as much strong bleaches as they want.....
And if that's not enough, they can always try the strongest cleaning agent they can find in the market, without having to worry about the colours....
Adapted from my poor mother who had a hard time washing those tough chemical stains, which still don't seem to budge after all that scrubbing...........
Shing Signing Off......
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
My memory has failed me again!!
The blurry bug seems to have multiplied in me these few days
Argh! Paiseh if i kind of forgotten any agreements we have made upon...我不是故意的!! =(
Shing Signing Off......
the day we let the child in us out.....
Monday, 9 June 2008
Went out with best friends yestie!!
On a shopping mission, but we end up spending more time on our own pleasures ~~ ^.^v
1st on the menu:
Subway's double choc & white nut macadamia cookie
2nd on the menu:
Kung fu panda!!

loved po so much =)

3rd on the menu:

4th on the menu:
Spicy korean ricecakes! (plus a few mouthfuls of other korean snacks ^.^)
5th on the menu:
Few mouthfuls of Hokkaido ice-cream samples
6th on the menu:
Fried chicken platter with fries & root beer~~ yummy!!

Last on the menu:
Heart pumping platter of drum beats at the drum fest
After all these, I am still looking forward to our food chain!! Jingz! =)

Shing Signing Off......