A breach...a lesson learnt
Monday, 21 April 2008
" A confluence of three critical factors led to security lapses that resulted in Jemaah Islamiyah(JI) detainee Mas Selamat Kastari's escape from detention in February. First, there was a physical security breach as the ventilation window in the toilet – from which Mas Selamat made his escape – did not have grilles. Second, the guards watching Mas Selamat allowed him to close the door of the urinal cubicle when they should not have done so. And third, there was a physical weakness in the perimeter fencing outside the Family Visitation Block, where the toilet was located, which made it easier for Mas Selamat to get out of the detention centre's premises. On the day of his escape, Mas Selamat was escorted by two Gurkha guards and a Special Duty Operative - who is an Internal Security Department (ISD) officer - from his cell to a locker room to change into civilian clothes for his family's visit. At the locker room, the guards lost sight of him when he stood behind a column of lockers to change. He was then escorted to the Family Visitation Block, where he used a toilet, renovated in 2007, to shave and comb his hair before meeting his family members. He then entered a urinal cubicle, closed the door and turned on a water tap inside the cubicle. One guard stood outside the cubicle door, while the other was outside the main toilet door. After a while, the guard outside the cubicle felt Mas Selamat was taking too long. But instead of checking, he alerted the second guard outside the toilet, who alerted the female Duty Operative. The Duty Operative then alerted a male Assistant Case Officer, who ran in, kicked open the door and found Mas Selamat gone. The ventilation window in the cubicle was left open." -- CNA, 21/4/08
The report on the escape of Mas Selamat is out. After more than a month, he is still said to be in hiding. To me, this report sounds like a plot on a movie, where often officers would whistle outside the cubicle door while the criminal entered a closed door cubicle, only to realise that he had stepped on the toilet bowl & escaped through the window. It's just unimaginable that the guards who are specifically trained for special operations would make such a blunder...i wondered what has happened to the guards-in-charge now...
And the fact that Mas Selamat had noticed a physical weakness in the perimeter fencing but not the guards who have been surveying the area was......i dunno..it's just kind of insulting to Singapore's security system.
But whatever it is, I just hope that a lesson is learnt. Nothing is perfect i guess, what is more important is how serious we take this wake up call...
Many things are better left unsaid...Just my cent of thoughts though...
Shing Signing Off......
tHe boNd tHat haS alWays beeN tHeRe
Friday, 18 April 2008
Met up with an old friend today..
If not for my tutorial, i would have just sat there & chat with her for the whole afternoon....
Really really missed those days where we would bicker & crap for hours non-stop.....she's like the one & only.....haha
Didn't realize how close we still are until she started the conversation with "哎哟,见到鬼了!"
It was me who influenced you then, now it's your turn hahaz...
Shing Signing Off......
bAcK to ScHooL
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
3 external school projects on the way!!
1) 'Beautiful Body with AWARE' workshop at CHIJ Katong convent
This is the project me & my project mates have been working on for nearly 10 weeks. Interesting part: kick boxing!! Think it'll be really fun!! =)
2) Home science kit programme at Innova primary
It has been years since i left primary school and seeing all those little kids running about makes me feel a little old =p . I almost forgot that pri sch kids need a lot of guidance & explaination, soo used to the self learning process taught during the tertiary education. But i guess it'll be quite fun & interesting designing simple experiments for them..similar to designing toys heh..
(btw..science education starts only at pri 3, guess a lot of us actually forgot about that..at least for me =p )
3) SEP to hku
Hope that it can be confirmed really really soon...
Can't wait for exams to be over..excited ^.^v
Shing Signing Off......
tHe staRt of muGGinG...
Monday, 14 April 2008
2 down...
1 + 4 more....
with 1 term paper in line..
Mummy!! it's still not over yet!!
Shing Signing Off......
Happie Birthdae yt!
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Went to Clarke quay today to celebrate yt's birthday and had dinner at a Mexican restaurant . On the way there, saw a few artistes like vivian lai, cao guo hui, edmund chan and chen han wei filming a programme outside Central. Kind of rare to be able to see so many artiste at one go, just too bad can't take pictures with them =p
Anyway, had dinner at the restaurant. Food there was quite nice, especially the nachos and the tuna steak! For desert we had a choc flour-less cake. Had no idea what the cake is made of then but still it tasted real good!

After dinner, went to walk around at central before heading back as cheryl had to rush to her bf's birthday party (busy tai tai haha). Although it was a short gathering but really had fun talking to them, at least it bring my mind away from the never ending reports.....

C is for cheryl and.....=p

Take 1

and 2 (it's a weird place to take photos act hehe..)
Happy Birthday yt!! =)
Shing Signing Off......
Thursday, 3 April 2008
"It's all about getting the money!!"
well...kind of...
at the same time I am also quite excited about what will come out in the end...
and just as I was pondering about this & that..
someone has kind of disappeared from my life~~~
Shing Signing Off......
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
I really don't know what to say....
What can i say??
One problem after another........
Really....don't know what to say....
only that emailing is the suckiest way to contact someone, really sucks.....
sick and tired of all these........
Shing Signing Off......