Saturday, 29 March 2008
剩下三个星期, 需要做的事情越来越多.....
看来, 现在是时候打起精神来做最后的冲刺吧...
在限量的时间内搞定那座山, 才能安下心来准备考试..

Shing Signing Off......
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
"It's actually kind of interesting to explore unexplored places and unfold the beauty within it...."
Just some random stuff I talked about after spending the afternoon with my "evil twin" and it came true...sort of...
Accompanied her to where her bus stop is, the other side of north bridge road which I have never been before, usually am confined to bras basah side. Along the road we walked, found a few interesting places. One of them is the insititue of chinese opera (never for once had I thought that there is actually a school for the traditional art). Took a turn there and found myself on a very interesting street..
The street was quite short but it's lined with a lot of buildings. You will be amazed that just along that path I walked (roughly about 4-5 km..), there are a total of 5 churches!
one here..

and the another one here...

Also amazingly, 3 ulu hotels.. more like higher class backpack hotels...
At the end of the street, found myself at the bus stop at SMU's admin building, but realised that the bus stop is of the opposite direction I am supposed to go. And opposite the bus stop..for that's a one way lane..
So I continued to walk until I reach

It's just amazing that even though I had been around that area umpteen times, everything still just seems so unfamiliar to me.. Perhaps it's because I am always confined to the shopping malls..perhaps because my world is so surrounded by tests these days...
So sometimes it's not bad an idea to venture out of the crowed places and step into unexplored..
What an interesting journey...
Shing Signing Off......
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Shing Signing Off......
NonSenSicaL riGHts..
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Just when I thought that I have everything done on time.... a 62-page reading about human rights pop up ~.~''
Human rights if I will know all my rights after that.. bish~~
Anyway I always crap through almost all my weekly 600++ word reflections, so this will be no different wahaha....i shall survived!
On the early morning of good Friday, just when the clock strikes slightly after 12am, something joyous happen!! Then, it had to shadowed by problems a few minutes later............=(
So good Friday isn't as good afterall...(in fact it wasn't meant to be good rite? ah..whatever..)
Think i am talking nonsensically right now wahaha...I have the
right to talk nonsense here, you have the
right not to go crazy with me.....lalalala...
Happy Easter Sunday!!! =)
& I am still nowhere near maturity.......
Shing Signing Off......
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
It takes a lot more to be mature...
It's all about the substance, the charisma, the confidence..
Not so much about the looks although it does matters...
And I shall work upon it...
(with no clue on where to start from.....)
Shing Signing Off......
Lab jokes of the day..
- "You are crazy!!"
-- senior TA on us putting the pipette in the oven
- "Pipette filler = the Sucker which sucks!"
-- Lela (think i'll remember it for as long as i could..)
- "Aiyo! what question are you asking!?" *followed by slaps on the arm*
-- cute TA to Lela
- "eh..heavy leh...want to faint already"
-- me on the filled 250mL vol flask
- "...that ah nei nei la...."
--angry lab mate referring to indian TA
- The burst-pipe incident which shook almost the whole lab
--courtesy of screams by xy
Shing Signing Off......
Sunday, 16 March 2008
I want to stop staring at the screen!
And i don't like the letter 'O'..
Shing Signing Off......
Thoughts of the day
Friday, 14 March 2008
"Don't force your idealistic ideas on us!"
This is the voice of the developing world....
All along, we believe that capitalism and globalisation is the way to go. Yes it is, especially for us Singapore, who is so heavily dependent on imports for survival. it true that it applies to the whole world? All along, we heard umpteen times about the WTO riots and wondered what it is about.. Because we truly felt that free trade is the only way for them to grow. "They should just be contented that we are allowing them a chance to make money, a chance to develop....."
But when you discovered that even poor countries like Jamaica had to pour away excess fresh milk down the drain (literally down the drain), not because they have too much but because of the influx of cheaper US imported milk powder, you know that the consequences are serious....
When you discovered that the IMF and the world bank does indeed promise to lend loans for the development of the nations, but only under the agreement of loads of underlying,restrictive and unfair restrictions, you suddenly realise why the poverty remains and even got worse..
Those riots are not just about stubborn people who loathed the WTO, they are truly the voices of the poor, the suffering, the exploited... Things aren't just what we thought it was..
This is capitalism, the selfish world we live in. Yet ironically, it seems to be the only way that seems to work. For communism, which promotes the ideology of brotherhood totally falls apart so easily in the face of capitalism.
When was the last time we stopped to think about the bigger picture? When was the last time we even care to unveil the ugly, hidden truth of the world? The thing is, how do we continue after learning the truth? Things just aren't as simple as we thought...
and we wonder why we had to take GP..
Shing Signing Off......
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Happy 21st birthday sj!The 1st person who told me 13 is a lucky number.
With you around, yes it is! =)
Hoping to get the photos soon..
Shing Signing Off......
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Lesson of the day:
Cannot afford to be blur anymore!!
the consequences are just so depressing...
thanks babes & ag, for making my lousy day much better..
sometimes it's always when everything is bad for you that you realise the hidden goodness around you..something we can so easily take for granted...
Shing Signing Off......
tHe OldesT 21st...
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Nice food always taste the best when having it with the closest gang..
The laughter, the talks, the company add spices to the originally heaty & spicy food...
The strong bonds and concern that were exhibited during the whole process to the event is really heart-warming..
Just the fact that we can talk about almost everything under the sun and whine without having to worry how the other person think about you is great..
Just the fact that we always know what's going on even before the sentence is completed makes this friendship a lot more worth while..
And like how jean aims to be our guardian angel, i shall be everyone's little cheeky angel..
(with laughter that comes with little weird sounds =p)
Happy birthday to our dearest ah gong~~~
Hope the gift warms your body & your heart..(and words can express it)
Take care everyone =)
Shing Signing Off......
the 'M' word..
Sunday, 2 March 2008's a way of life..
Shing Signing Off......