Friday, 29 February 2008
After 3 long months, this:
For NON SCIENCE MODULES Please Take Note: that your mappings are
still being processed by the respective faculties and we will inform you on the outcome at the soonest.
Pissed......damn pissed......
and march is coming tomrl .........................................................
Shing Signing Off......
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Went k box on mon to celebrate xueli's birthday. Quite some time never go k box so..

Let's sing!

and feed our hungry stomachs (a little..)

staring at handsome william =p
this gal just refuse to sing

and when she finally agree to sing, we couldn't hear her voice haha..

At the request of.... =D

But sad la..have her don't have me...
Happy birthday xueli!!
Shing Signing Off......
Sunday, 24 February 2008
The ultimately traditional tea..

Best to have it over small talk..where the talking makes the bitterness fade....
Shing Signing Off......
StarT oF yeT anotheR weeK..
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Start of recess week, start of resting??
Start of recess week, start of chionging??
Start of recess week, start of meetings??
Start of recess week, hate to end it soon, for it's the start of more tests~~
Start of recess week, clear mind, clear work, clear weariness..
Shing Signing Off......
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Just want to say thanks to someone.... Thanks for indirectly helping break the obstacle i once don't dare to break. Really...thanks..
You know who you are...great to have you around..=)
Shing Signing Off......
New Year visitinG...
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
1 happy thing about new year: visiting reletives house & get more hong baos! Another happy thing: visiting no-time-no-see teachers' with the gang! Memorable & nice =)

Shing Signing Off......
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Imagine having to stand in the lab, watching your reagents stir, smelling all those toxic, smelly fumes for
8 long hours....
Busying, watching and praying all the time that the TLC would give us good news, all the way till the lights in the lab were half switched off...
1 word to summurise the feeling: sianz...
I mean all of us were like so dead on our way home that we hardly spoke for sometime..
And this is supposed to be the easiest of the 3...
Really can't imagine till what time we have to slog till next expt...
What makes it more sian: having to go back school on my free day...
Am i whinning and complaining? I guess so........
btw i wanted to post our 'sianz' photos but alice wouldn't let me so...imagine our sian faces ba.....
Shing Signing Off......
River Hong Bao 2008
Saturday, 9 February 2008
This year's river hong bao...nothing much..nothing new..
Just that the usual keep changing faces...

The all time fav....Huat ar!!!

Happy Cny!!
Shing Signing Off......
A NeW eRa...
Friday, 8 February 2008

A new shopping mall??

No..look again....

Overseas airport? Taiwan? HK?

No...look again..'s our very own changi T3!



And the best part.............

planes...parked so near the galleria..

I mean, to be able to see planes so near is like wow....

Even T1 didn't get so close...

Shall end on a recycling note...
(afterall it's what T3 aims for...)

Shing Signing Off......
Friday, 1 February 2008
The ultimate sushi tower...

Shing Signing Off......