Weak me..
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Hai..fell down again today...
Was rushing from arts to sci then suddenly slipped on the floor. End up with bruises on my knee & foot (~.~) Now both my knees have injuries (thinking positively it's kind of balanced up???)
Stomach flu up till now haven't fully recover yet..tummy still feels bloated & pain after eating..
What a week......................................................................
Shing Signing Off......
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
1st time in my life had to rush out 2 lab reports in 1 day!! (4 hrs to be exact)
Me & my partner chiong all the way to the library after doing my experiment to do it...
Whatever la..tabulated the results, drew the graphs, discussion i juz anyhow crap...
And now..for my breakfast-cum-lunch-cum-dinner & 2 more tutorials to rush!!
Shing Signing Off......
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Whoa..me today kanna bullied by 2 super big lamers -- the infamous hl & hw who almost created the "hwg" fund (which stands for hoot woon & giam fund) with me as the donor & they as the beneficiaries! -.-"'
ok la..dun mind the money but the persons using it, YES!!
How i end up alone with the both of them? Story starts with hl asking me out to pass me my souvenir from taiwan (which he repeatedly calls it my belated birthday gift -- it's very very de BELATED lo :p) Was with hw for lesson so went for lunch together at amk.
Rainy day. Yesterday came down with stomach flu & slight fever. Today went out lunching with them on a cold, nice sleeping day. In the end, me the 弱女子 still kanna saun by the both of them almost all afternoon. GANG UP somemore. Whoa..u both watch out lo; me will have my revenge soooonn.... heh heh (anyway also can't fight with them la... @.@)
Anyway..thx for the gift (still own me what i will properly call my SOUVENIR :p)
And i AM cute lo, no need act de kiex.. bleah.. hehe
Shing Signing Off......
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Woo~ Finally i can ride a bike!! A 2-wheel bike kiex ^.^v
The other time during design outing, oks taught me how to ride but wasn't very confident yet as my bike keep shaking. So yest went to east coast park to ride again. Wasn't very steady but once I got the hang of it, i get finally balance myself and ride!! Yey!! But at the end of the day, whole body aching ar! The bike seat wasn't very comfortable so in the end my butt hurts a lot & my arm too (maybe perhaps i was too nervous so tend to grab the handle a bit too tightly :p). Had a bruise on my knee too after falling down (ouch~~) But other than that, was a ver
y fun day!! So happy!!! =)
Shing Signing Off......
WeiRd DrEAms..
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Had a series of weird dreams today. It's not those kind of dreams where i repeatedly had it for a few nights, rather it's different episodes of dreams in 1 night. Dunno if it is because i was too tired that's why i had such real-life dreams or perhaps it's the future i am looking at !?? Could only remembered a few though...
1) I dreamt that 1 of my friend is getting married! At such a young age! I was like at a wedding reception seeing them smiling so happily.. The scene i see is very real-life such that I actually had feelings like i would have in everyday life. But it's not exactly a good feeling dunno y..
2) Somehow..ended up in another place.. Dunno where it is but could tell i was in danger. There's someone with me and quite a lot of things happened while we both tried to protect each other from i dunno what it is..
3) Then, dreamt that i was with a group of friends & eating with them. Can't remembered anything special about this just that I can picture myself eating what I think is potato.. Guess I am getting hungry at that moment..
4) Next, I am at some sort of a place with a lot of people. Dunno what kind of event they are having there...could see people cheering though.. Then i was at the bus stop waiting for the bus & saw a few friends but everyone ignored & refused to talk to me.. Was feeling soo sad & left out..
Mmm..dunno y i had such dreams.. Had a few experiences before that whatever i dreamt of, in actual life, it would actually be the opposite. This time round, don't really know how to interpret my dreams.. Dunno what will happened in real life...
Don't mind if it turns out opposite since didn't really feel good in all these dreams (but what exactly will happen opposite of what i dreamt??) Even if it really happened, think i would kind of know what it going to take place ba.. who knows??
Shing Signing Off......
Finally... time is organised....
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Finally after about 3 weeks since bidding starts, my timetable is finalized!! Although had a few hiccups here & there, really glad it's over now.. Here's my finalized timetable:
Mon: 8-10 - Econs lect
10-12 - BI tut
12-2 - Break
2-4 - Spec appl lect
4-6 - Spectro lect
Tues: 8-10 - Inorg lect
10-11 - Break
11-12 - Econs tut
Wed: 9-10 - BI tut
10-5 - Lab
Thurs: 8-10 - Inorg tut
10-12 - BI tut
12-1 - Spectro tut
1-2 - Spect appl tut
2-4 - Spec appl lect
4-6 - Spec lect
Fri: FREE DAY!! =)
Shing Signing Off......
SaT's OuTTing!!
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Yest went to settler's with my sec sch friends. Jeanie wanted to go settler's before her school reopens as she never go before so gathered together yest (was the 1 organising instead of the person who wanted to go -.- haha..)
Met at around 2 at the mrt station. Leo, sy & yg had something on so they joined us later. Was given the sofa seat next to the door yeah!! Much better than the table we got the other time (maybe perhaps i booked for 10 ppl so had this previlage v^.^) Played quite a few games & left at around 6 for dinner. We were all starving!!
Went to Central's Matthatan Fish Market for dinner. Never eaten there before but heard it's like Fish & Co..simply loved seafood!! =) Shared 2 platters with yn, yg, hw & jason while the rest ordered individual servings of fish & chips. The platter was really super good!! Loved the prawns, oysters and the garlic butter rice!! Think it's better than Fish & Co.. Feel like eating it again le hehe :p
Then after dinner, we walked over to the padang to watch the fireworks display. A lot of people was there waiting to watch too; even the car drivers stopped to look, resulting in heavy jams..
Finally after a few minutes of waiting, the show started!! The fireworks were really very very beautiful & sparkling against the dark night sky. Wished i had the photos to show (should get it from leo or sy soon..). Splendid display!! Loved the the display whereby the fireworks were like stars sparkling in the sky & the ones which looks like meteor shower!!
The whole show last for about 10++ mins. Straight after that, we could hear all the cars starting their engines ready to move on (kind of funny at that point of time...) We all walked back to the bus stop to take 166 back home. Leo keep suggesting to go liquid kitchen but no one is exactly very interested so didn't go (alcoholic leo...) Maybe next time ba hehe..

四大美女 =)
Shing Signing Off......
1st wEEk...
Friday, 17 August 2007
Finally..school reopens..
Now not staying in hall le so have to kind of get used to traveling to school everyday. Still considering whether to buy bus or train concession as still can't decide which is more convenient & can get me to school the fastest. Traveling time from my house to school is around 1hr 15mins.
Gonna have 3 days of 8am lessons this sem (didn't even have 8am lessons when i was in hall..ironic rite?) so have to leave home at around 6++am. Tried taking the bus & train to school le..guess kind of prefer the train but as calculated by my friend..it's going to be quite expensive since I still have to take the bus in from the mrt station to school. Well..give myself another week to see which i want ba..
1st 2 weeks will be having only lectures so still kind of relaxed but gonna get kind of busy & tiring again after that. Timetable wise has more or less taken shape, at least the lab & tutorials of my core modules have been already settled. Now left with tutorial balloting which have to wait till next week to know the results. If everything goes well, i will have a 3.5 day week. Hope i can get the time slots i want..really want to leave my friday free.. Pray hard...
Shing Signing Off......
NUS Rag Day..
Sunday, 12 August 2007
Went to NUS rag day @ Padang yesterday. Usually the event is held at nus but this year they bought it out of sch to padang. Met up with sinyee at around 1230 then go together to meet up with the rest of the guys.. This year's theme is 'Discover the passion, Witness the spirit'
KE came up with the concept of a stadium to express the passion & spirit of fellow sportsmen, especially in remembrance with the recent closure of the national stadium. The set was really nice; those guys have really slog their heads out for that (xin ku le!!).
The show starts at around 3pm with the arrival of a few ministers & the president who is an alumni (but left right after the hall floats, which was a bit...well..too bad for the faculty floats). The show kicked off with the floats of the six halls. It was really spectacular to see the splendid designs & mechanisms of the floats and the wonderful dance by the float dancers..wow!!
Liked Eusoff hall's float..really put up a good show. Long time champions Kent Ridge on the other hand was quite disappointing this year..prefer their train last year to this year's plane. KE put up a splendid show too with the stadium & sports..
After the halls came the faculties. Usually the faculty floats aren't as nice as the halls', mostly just a few backdrops & dancers. This year was not bad, at least a few faculties like science, arts, sde came up with not-too-bad floats..
After the show came the results. Sheares is the big winner this year, winning most of the awards including the Chancellor's Shield. KE did not bad too, winning the most creative & most environmental friendly award. Can tell that the guys are a little disappointed not having win the best float award but still guys..great job le!! Next year jia you again ya!!
Best float award goes to Eusoff while Kent Ridge is the big winner for flag but didn't really get much for float. Guess they are disappointed too ba having being the strongest team among the halls. Raffles as usual didn't win any & i think they also anticipated it as the space for raffles was empty way before the prizes are given out (dunno whether to pity them or laugh..)
After that, met up with sinyee, kah hsiung & qianhong for dinner. Went to Thai Express at Citylink mall. Then after that walked a little at Raffles city before going back. Realized that my nose peeled after bath..expected after sitting under the hot scorching sun the whole day. Hope i didn't get too dark..
Shing Signing Off......
sucky module...more sucky timeslots
Friday, 10 August 2007
Sorry for being rude but i am really very very fed up with this.....
The other time couldn't get org so bid for inorg instead. Since then had been having headaches about when to place my inorg tutorial. All the timeslots clashes with my lecture times!! Only left with wed & thurs 8-9 and fri 2-3. Wed i already have full day lab le dun think want to have tut at 8am (which also equals to 9hrs straight lessons without break!) Thurs 8am = 3-4 hrs of break in btw......
Finally decided to put it on fri 2-3 as i really have no other choices le.. Then came this info that each tut is 1hr 45 mins long. Which means the timeslots shown on cors in invalid de!!!!!!!!! And the timeslots are worse!!! Whatever la........
Available tutorial timeslots
Day Time
Wed 0800-1000
Wed 1000-1200
Wed 1600-1800
Thu 0800-1000
Thu 1400-1600
Thu 1600-1800
Fri 0800-1000
Fri 1500-1700
Wed i have BI and lab so 3 slots gone lo..thurs 2-6 i have lect so gone also lo...fri 8-10 have lect also & is inorg lect somemore!! Think la..who can make it for that timeslot when we have to attend your lecture during that timing & u very well know that wed have full day lab sessions de then how do u expect us to sign up for your tutorials at those timeslots !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -.-''' And why don't u put timeslots on tues leh?? thought that everyone have lab on tues meh?? Check la...idiotic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now left with thurs 8-10 & fri 3-5 lo.. Already have 2 days with 8am lessons then still have to go at 8 for that stupid tutorial. And fri 3-5 = 3 hrs break in between!! whoa there goes my friday lo.. -.-'''''' =(((((((
Am sure i am not the only 1 who takes inorg + 2 spec combi with lab on wed....surely not enough vacancy de..just wait..Not going to be the only 1 to complain!
Ok...let out le....now headache again..STUPID!!!
Shing Signing Off......
StanD Up, StanD Up FoR S'poRE!
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Happy 42th Birthday Singapore!!!
Fantastic Parade!! =)
Shing Signing Off......
LaSt fEw DaYs BeForE ScHooL...
Monday, 6 August 2007
Went to the Chemistry career workshop today. Actually don't intend to go de but since meeting the gang for sushi dinner, thought might as well go & listen to what career options I might have.
Initially thought they have some brochures or handouts to bring home but in the end it's just a series of talks by various speakers telling us about their company & jobs available.
The speakers were quite informative though is gets kind of boring towards the end; about 7 speakers were invited: 1 from HSA which introduced the job as a forensic scientist (guess wasn't really my cup of tea..), 2 from chemical industries, 1 from semiconductor company, 1 from pharmaceutical company & the other our dean. Was interested in Rhodia & BASF, both chemical industries. Quite attracted to BASF which is a german company with many bases worldwide; thought of the challenges working in that big company & the possible opportunities of working overseas but the job scope is mainly synthetic side. Would prefer to work within the organic side though...
Wanted to leave at around 5 to meet up with them but the 2nd last speaker happens to be from GSK which is a pharmaceutical company. Totally attracted my attention as was thinking to go into the pharmaceutical or petrolchemical industries. Guess after hearing the talk had some ideas of roughly which areas i want to go le.. Perhaps would go for the biomedical conference in september to source out for more information and internship opportunities ba..
Rushed off to meet up with them at 530..didn't even get to hear the chem dean speak lol
Reached at about 6++ and the guys were standing outside Hereen sakae waiting for me with growling stomach :p 1st time after dunno how many years. Still remembered sec school time we would wait till 3pm on a hungry stomach for sakae buffet. This time round the buffet seems a little different as we could now take every coloured plate off the belt but no desserts included (missed the mochi ice-cream :( )
Went back home after that but still missed my 9pm show :( Hope i didn't missed out much..
Shing Signing Off......
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
The Simpsons Movie is super hilarious!!! A must watch!!
(even those who isn't a fan of the Simpsons!!)

Shing Signing Off......
Haiz...this week is the bidding week for us NUS students. Was initially allocated the 2 spec modules for the next semester but luckily after writing what I think was quite a lame letter, they change my allocation to this semester ^.^
Went to bid for my org chem yesterday. Put in 20 bid points as there were still vacancies and the next minimum bid was 2 points so thought 20 points should be sufficient but in the end was outbid by 5 points!! ~.~'' In the end no choice went to bid for inorg, luckily got it in the end. But still, really wanted to take org chem this semester..had my timetable all planned out le =(
Well..guess just have to accept la but hope will have web cast. Poor sinyee has to take org chem by herself..
Initially meeting jean they all for movie at 1 but in the end met up with them at around 2.30 as I stayed through the open bidding round just in case.. Hope the next few rounds are more successful, especially pray hard for econs...Pleazzzzzzzzeee....
Shing Signing Off......