"Media club gathering"....???
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Today was supposed to be a media club gathering but in the end, none of the seniors went except Jason which was not really considered since we already usually meet together during our usual gatherings. But luckily still get to meet up with mdm teo who just can't seem to recognize me ~.~
Went to Settler's Cafe. It's the 1st time going there even though had heard of the name several times le. It is actually a cafe which allows us to play board games. We played a number of games like pictionary, taboo & 1st hand being the most fun of all. It's a game which requires the players to follow the hand gestures in the cards shown. The slowest will keep the card and the 1 with the most cards loses. We had a lot of fun as it was very exciting & we get to see many hilarious moves like mdm teo who just can't seem to follow open hand gestures and jason who can't differentiate right from left. We also played another game which involves seeing who has the same card as yourself & who's the fastest to grab hold of the baton. Equally exciting =)
After that, mdm teo & sy went off early while the rest of us went off to Central for dinner. Went to walk around the shops before settling at Kopitiam for dinner. yn,yg & I ate korean cuisine which was very spicy but very nice. leo ate beef phoe noodles. The soup seems to have the effect of relieving the spiciness of the kimchi..Nice! Then we all ordered ice-kachang which wasn't really nice.
Left for home after that. Accompanied leo to cut his hair at AMKHub as he need to book in later. Quite funny to hear him complaining about having to go cut his hair & stuff. (Juz 3 months to ord lo..ren! ren! haha =)) Then went to ntuc to shop for his stock-ups. Treated me to a can of 'pi pa lu' which tasted like 'pi pa gao' mixed with water..not really used to that taste..
Great gathering..but hope can get to see more of the seniors next time..super long never meet up le =)
Shing Signing Off......
x9 GatHeRinG!
Monday, 23 July 2007
Finally, after a long wait (all because of me..sorry guys :p), part of x9 gathered together for a reunion. We arranged to meet up and go to Marina Square’s Pizza Hut at 1pm but in the end, the hall guys reached at 2 -.-‘’ (expected la..lucky I booked the seats in advanced le). Initially wanted to meet up at 9 so met up for lunch instead. There are a total of 14 people so we ordered 3 sets of cheesy fondule set meal & peijia ordered pasta. The set meal consist of 1 regular cheesy fondule pizza & 1 regular crispy thin pizza, 4 mushroom soup & 4 drinks. Our table ordered Hawaiian & seafood. The cheese fondule pizza was quite nice..loved the cheese but the fondule a bit salty. The thin pizza was good too, refreshing especially after the cheesy pizza. The rest of the guys ordered other side dishes like chicken drumlets & platter. Our table order none but in the end ate the garlic bread the other table ordered by mistake. (well..the waitress placed it on our table soo.. =D) The meal was very filling.
After that, we went to suntec’s Carrefour as eng seng wanted to look for roller blades. We walked & stopped at many different shops on the way before finally getting to Carrefour itself haha. There, the guys aimed for the transformers figurine straight away. Kane bought his third figurine; a bike while my bf bought a $99.90 figurine -.-‘’’ (well..boys will always be boys ba…) We spent quite a lot of time lookingat the figurines & kah hsiung & oks went to the OTO messaging area. Kah Hsiung even fell asleep while sitting on the chair!!! Lol (it was really good as told by him 0.0) In the end, kane & eric bought the transformers figurines, eng seng bought roller blades, peijia bought a toy car & ah kok bought a bike back!! Woo~ next time go hall kapo his bike ride hehe..haven’t really balance myself yet =D These guys really are willing to spend big bucks lol. After spending about 2-3 hours in Carrefour, we went to the food court for some drinks. All ordered different desserts & kah hsiung, peijia & ah kok ordered dinner (Goodness..i am still full from the pizza leh. But well these guys are well known for their big appetites so..haha)
After that, we all went back home as the guys still need to rush out float tonight & kewoc has their meeting. 1st time not going back to hall with them..a bit weird but guess this is what I have to get used to it ba. Kind of missed those days… L Hope can meet up with u guys again!! Really had a lot of fun!! =)
p.s. yes peter..next time will ask u along de!! =)
Shing Signing Off......
Friday, 20 July 2007
SLACKING AT HOME.............

Shing Signing Off......
ThE MeaNinG of LiFe...
Monday, 16 July 2007
Just receieve a sms from my friend..thought is was quite meaningful but is also quite long so didn't get to send to everyone haha.
It reads:
The meaning of life..so vauge yet so enlighting.. Remember i once received something similar when i was in jc. Here it goes:
Remember every person has worth -- you included;
Don't let fears stop you from changing or dreaming
Empathise -- especially with those you disagree with;
Search for the truth, it will set you free
Speak boldly. Cynicism and apathy will kill your soul;
Treasure people more than things and money
Don't oversimplify -- discover why things are complex;
Remember there is always something new to learn
Never stereotype, never discriminate, never hate;
Be compassionate -- never forget those who have less
Never judge yourself too proudly, or too humbly;
Real wealth lies in your character -- be patient, kind, gentle
Choose to love. Choose to serve
Sounds like an extract from the bible? haha..well whether it is or not, it is still something we can ponder upon...
Shing Signing Off......
NeW CompuTER!!
Finally after quite a long wait, my new com is here!! The display card of my old com was spoilt so when we switched on, the screen would appear lots of greens lines or sometimes don't show anything at all. My dad decided to change into a new com instead of just replacing the display card since the com was quite old & slow..
My new com now has a faster RAM & hard disk, running on intel dual core duo so processing of programs can now take a much shorter time! Now also have a wider 19" screen which can allow me to watch plasma & HDTV with a tv card in the comfort of my own room =) Now com is running on window vista so there's a lot of things which i need to get used to it as it's kind of different from window xp which my laptop is running on. 1 disadvantage about window vista & the new internet explorer 7 is the tight security. Having tight sevurity is good la but it's kind of too stingent as for every programme i download & installed, there will be tons of pop-outs appearing. Kind of irritaing though... Other than that, i would have to explore longer to know more haha..(In fact this entry was typed on my new com..very 1st entry!! haha)
1 happy thing is that i can now listen to my songs using my bass speakers again! Had been using my laptop all these while and as my laptop speakers dosen't have bass, the songs doesn't sound as nice as it would sometimes (wanted to connect the speakers to my laptop de but dunno how & have no space on my table so... :P)
Ok..right now, continue my exploration!! =)
New com!!
19'' Screen (oo.. =))
The speaker that dosen't seem to fit but love it all the same!! =)
Shing Signing Off......
Went to zoo today with my mum, bro, my grandpa and 2 of my mum's friends as my aunt had free tickets to the zoo. Went to the zoo a lot of times le but this time treat it as pei my mum go & don't want to waste the tickets as well...
The zoo didn't have much changes as compared to before. Went to watch a string of shows the 1st things; from the animal show at the ampitheatre to the splash show at the penguin pool then lastly the elephants show. Was quite amazed by how well these animals are trained..guess the trainers really put in a lot of time & efforts in it ba...
Went to walk around & see the animals a while before sitting down for lunch. The weather there was very warm so didn't had much appetite & ate some nuggets instead. Spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the rest of the park before going back. The weather was really very warm with no wind so at the end of the day, all of us were sweaty & tired from the trip. Guess i slept almost all the way back home on the air-con bus.
Went to shop around at ntuc to buy some groceries & food for dinner before heading back home. Never knew a trip to the zoo can be so tiring. Guess had been slacking at home too much..mm.. perhaps need to exercise more le ba :p

For a moment, thought they were fakes {0.0}

Otters!! Aren't they cute?? =)

The baboon who's enjoying himself -.-''

Me & the cute orang utan =)

The grand old tortoise @.@
Shing Signing Off......
Leo's bElaTed bElaTed BiRtHdAe..
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Went to celebrate leo's belated belated birthday yesterday. Belated belated because his birthday is a month ago on the 15th of june. Was working during weekends during that period & the main organiser sy had her brother's wedding on that weekend so no one suggested a gathering to help him celebrate until recently sy said leo kind of complained so met up yesterday haha..
Went to k-ster at chinatown again. Guess we are all fond of k-ing ba haha. Before going, a few of us met up first to buy leo's present. Jean & yg went to douby ghout's sasa to test for the fragrances before meeting up with us to purchase the cologne as the prices there in chinatown is much more cheaper. After that we went to have desert as we are all quite hungry (all have the habit of not eating breakfast except sy :p). Ate the famous yang zhi gan lu which was not exactly very nice as shown on tv...
At k-ster, all of us began singing as usual. Was a bit high that day and sang quite a few songs (dunno y haha..maybe perhaps half of the reason is because of ah gong who kept provoking me throughout...)
End the session at around 5++ and went to swenson's for diner as we are all very hungry after a day without food & a high session of kbox. Was arranged to sit outside as there isn't any space for 9 people inside. End up sitting at a place facing the setting sun...so end up have to face away from the sun half the time until the sun is 'gone' -.-''
Ordered salmon & mushroom baked rice. Guess starved myself for too long that day amd when i starting gobbling the food, my stomach kind of can't take it and hurts a lot. End up didn't finish the food & kanna said my stupid ah gong...
After that, we walked down to Clarke Quey and plan to watch fireworks as they were having the ndp rehersal that night. In the end went eski bar instead as we couldn't find the perfect spot to watch the fireworks. First time going to eski bar, heard it was very cold and indeed it was freezing cold inside!! Some of us order alcoholic drinks. Want to share magarita lime with jean at first de but as they implement a one-drink-each policy and i can't finish a cocktail by myself, ordered shirley temple instead.. Yg also ordered magarita but is of mango flavour whic i preferred to the lime version; Eugene ordered volka sprite which taste more like sprite than volka and leo ordered cherry brandy which tasted like chinese cough medicine (yucks!)
We sat & chatted for a while before leaving for home. Was quite a nice experience going to eski bar though would liked it better if there's a live band. Went out for the whole day liao..super tiring as always but still quite happy to be able to meet up with them once a while =)

Shirley Temple
The mocktail they ordered (forgot the name le :p)
Jeanie's magarita lime
leo & guang (looks a bit contrasting haha)
Me & jean
The 'goose' that kept us warm..
Shing Signing Off......
ScHooL StuFF...
Friday, 13 July 2007
1 more month and school is starting soon… Don’t know if I am anticipating it or not; wanted to go back to school soon as I have been slacking for so long at home but at the same time don’t really want to go back to the sloughing period (had been soo busy and packed for the past 1 year but I guess all these is inevitable ba..)
Went to CORS to check up on the modules and 1 word to conclude it: SUCKS! Out of my 6 core modules, 2 start at 8am! Goodness!! I would have to wake up at 6am in the morning to rush to school leh. Then phy chem starts at 6pm, needless to say is because of the H2 students..sianz……………. Left with 3 modules. The 2 spectro modules have to take together as preallocated and the timing are arranged 1 after the other. If taken together with org chem., I would end up having 6 hours of lectures in a row without breaks… Aren’t I skinny enough man?? Goodness…totally sucky!!!! Right now just have to wait if I am allocated the 2 spectro modules this sem. If got it then no choice have to have 6 hours of lectures in a row (better than having 3 hours of break in between..), if not then have to choose 2 of the 3 with inappropriate timings…
Planned to take my bahasa next sem. Had wanted to take it last sem de but the timings clashed with my timetable so didn’t take it in the end. Level 1 was merely covering the foundations so I think taking level 2 would be better as then I would be truly able to communicate better in Malay.
Left with 1 more module. Plan to take 1 of my minor module but up till now still undecided on what minor to take. Wanted to take management minor de but was rejected so have to look for another 1. The most feasible seems to be econs but heard my friends say that it was rather tough so really don’t know if I should take it. Still have about 2 weeks left before the bidding..hope can settle everything by then. God bless me for the next sem..need to jia you jia you le!!
Shing Signing Off......
HaRRy PottER MoViE
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Went to watch Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix today. Have been waiting for the movie ever since i saw the trailer earlier this year as i am a fan of all the previous movies & books. The 4 predecessors were quite good so i expect this new movie to be as good if not better than the rest but to my disappointment, this newest installment was quite a disappointment, maybe perhaps i read the book beforehand and thus knew the plot well enough to notice so many of the parts being scrapped off in the movie... But effects wise i guess the movie was not bad and seeing the characters being in a world full of adventures and dark magic makes me fantasize myself as 1 of the characters :p
As all Harry Potter fans would know, this fifth series was about the start of the rise of Lord Voldemort and the prophecy of Harry Potter. Several parts such as the role of Neville Longbottom in fighting Voldemort has being cut off (poor neville) and scenes like the romantic fling between Cho and Harry and the most anticipated one between Ron and Hermonie are just being briefly brought through... But the scene of the fight between Dumbledore and Voldemort is quite exciting for the special visual and sound effects really makes one feel the intensity of the fight. Throughout the movie, the demanding and mean ways of Dolores Umbridge in Hogwarts also added a sense of humour in this story full of dark magic..
Although the movie fell a little out of my expectations, i guess it is still a must watch for Harry Potter fans having already finished all the 4 movies and the 6 books. Right now, the 7th and last installment of the series is coming out soon! Don't think will buy it just yet but still am excited over how the story will end and most importantly, will Harry defeat Voldemort? Will Hermonie and Ron be together? And who will Harry eventually be with? Hmm..anticipation... :)

Shing Signing Off......
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
10 July – 2 months since we are together, time really pass by quite fast..
Went science centre in the morning. Initially wanted to watch the film at the omni theatre but as the theatre was having technical problems, we ended up going to the science’s centre usual exhibition. Has been a very long time since I went there but the exhibition was more or less about the same as before. The whole centre was divided into many different sections each with a different theme like chemistry, physics, life sciences, human body etc, and we went exploring on each and every of the set-ups there. They were all truly very fascinating and interesting. Then after the science centre, we went to have lunch at jurong entertainment centre before going off to Vivo City. My bf wanted to purchase the transformers figurine so went with him to toy ‘r’ us to look for it only to find that the shells were almost cleaned out. Whoa…didn’t know that transformers was so famous to this extend.. In the end didn’t found what he wanted haha..
After that we went to Sentosa to catch the musical fountain show. Went in by the new monorail system. The monorail was somehow like the LRT and was connected from Singapore to Sentosa island. Only has 4 stations but as 1 of the station is still under heavy reconstruction and 1 at Vivo, effectively there are only 2 stations that brought us around in the island itself. Haven’t been to watch the new musical ever since the old musical fountain had closed so am quite excited over how the show would be. We went in to our seats in the evening and the ambience was so beautiful with the clear sky shone radiantly golden by the captivating setting sun, coupled by the cool breeze from the seashore…Just by standing there alone makes me feel so relaxed! =)
The show starts at around 20 mintues before 8 with songs that were so familiar like “xiao ren de xin sheng” and “rasa sayang”. Reminds me of the good old primary school days where I would sing these songs every week before assembly with my friends. The whole show was about a group of friends who went about a quest to save the princess who was under a sleeping spell. Throughout the whole show, there were many stunning special effects and lasers which depict some of the characters. Would say it was a show worth spending the ticket for but guess I wouldn’t watch it the second time since I already know the storyline.
Went back home after that. Was a very tiring day but would say it was quite fun and nice watching the exhibitions and show. Sentosa is under heavy renovations right now, perhaps because of the construction one of the IRs there thus wouldn’t recommend to go to Sentosa right now unless with groups of friends to the beach. Would recommend friends who haven’t watch the show to watch it though haha =)

Beautiful sunset..........
The props of the show
Giant Alaska Crab 0.0
Shing Signing Off......
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Yey! Back from malaysia's genting! (pronounced as gen(根)-ting as corrected by my Malaysian friends..) Travelled up to genting on Tuesday morning on Trans Star coach. The other time my family took the grassland coach and i remembered it was quite uncomfortable after sitting for long hours and was very very cold... This time, the coach has massage chairs which sends vibrating beats every time i pressed a button. Wasn't very comfortable but well at least that was something. The coach also has videos showed on small individual screens for us to watch. Watched only 2 shows throughout the journey as i fell asleep most of the journey.
Reached at about 2 in the afternoon. Checked into our rooms at First World hotel straightaway. Got kinda lousy rooms -- located at tower 2 which means that we had to walk quite a distance in from the main lobby and out to other places, rooms at 5th storey with a block of building as scenery (sianz...), super small and narrow rooms with no bathtub and no connecting doors (which ended up in us knocking on each other's door to get stuff...) Other than that, just glad to have a bed to sleep on (sound so sarcastic and complainy wahahah :p)
Went to eat & walk around on the 1st night. Me & my bro went to play at the indoor theme park while my parents went to try their hands at the casino as always.. My luck was of the best that night! Went to play spin the wheel at 1 of the game stalls and won myself a towel & an elephant soft toy!! My bro on the other hand won 100 game points! Guess it is what they say beginner's luck????? wahaha.. In the end, we accumulated around 1400++ game points & went to exchange for a pretty photo frame & cup!! =)
On the 2nd day, went to play at the outdoor theme park with my brother. The weather in the morning was very foggy so had no choice but to play around at the indoor theme park 1st before going outside in the afternoon. There are a lot of thrill rides over at the park -- the flying coaster, crock screw and the pirate ship were my favourites! The space shot was the scariest!! As we queued up for the space shot, the weather turned foggy again so when we were sent all the way up the tower, I could see nothing at all except white clouds. Can't imagine how scary it is when you are all the way up there yet can't see anything and then suddenly you are being dropped all the way down.. Whoa..my heart almost popped out!! What I am most disappointed is the Go-kart. I dunno whether is because they once had an accident there or what but the regulations there are quite strict -- we had to sign an agreement stating that WE are responsible for our OWN SAFETY and we had to wear a helmet. Sounds like the tracks are going to be real exciting & thrilling?? Well..to the contrary, I spent the 5 mins going round & round in circles on the flat track.. Even the Go-kart at Escape is much more exciting with the slopes la..& we didn't even had to sign any agreement or wear the heavy helmet -.-'' The rest of the rides are alright but i guess as i sat on every single rides, the thrill is no longer there so well..haha
The next night, went to watch the show there with my mum. The show was entitled 'FLY' and it was a magic show coupled with acrobats. It was very exciting looking at how graceful the acrobats performed their stunts and the magic performed by the chief magician. A show worth to watch!
We packed our bags and left on Friday afternoon. After 3 days of stay there, guess had our fair share of play and fun (genting isn't very big anyway.. :P) Halfway through the journey, we stopped at a store selling local products to buy some products back like beh teh soh, tau sa pia, gong tang... Reached Singapore at around evening time. While queuing up at the Singapore customs, suay queued behind i think a Malaysian guy who had some problems with his passport so in the end had to wait for quite a long time before able to get pass. Whole bus was waiting for my & my dad who was queuing behind me -.-'' Reached home at around 11pm. Finally home sweet home!! (though i wish can go overseas for a longer period of time but well..better than nothing heex) =)
Foggy weather up there...

Views taken from the cable car. (Beautiful..)
Upside-down pic of self standing pipe (can't seem to rotate the pic -.-')
View taken from indoor ferris wheel..
Dearest Allie!!
Shing Signing Off......
EnD of JoB!
Monday, 2 July 2007
Phew..after 11 days of work stretched over a period of 1 month, it's finally over!!
1st time being a promoter..mmm..should say it was quite an experience as i get to meet and communicate with people of all walks of life. Also because of this job, i learnt a little more about my company and the different ranges of the products, something i would not have bothered otherwise.
What i hated most about the job are the long hours of standing! Have to stand for full 6 hours everytime. Goodness..my feet hurts like hell everytime i reached home. Also this job is kind of a stand alone job. The staff there were not supposed to talk to us promoters during work so alot of times i stood there watching them walked past me doing their own work. Occassionally there are a few who are friendly enough to smile and talk to me. That alone kind of cheer me up during those nasty days...
First time as a promoter, i admit i do not have much experience. Watched the more experienced ones worked, they are really loud and enthusiatic in selling their products. The way which they communicate, i think i can never be like the same as them.. Guess all this comes with age and experience ba. Sales wise has been quite disappointing... Highest number i sold was 11 cartons; lowest? 0.. Guess it was the sales that somehow made me feel tired of the job ba as no matter how hard i promote, no one just seem interested :s Dunno is the product or just simply me (whatever.............) During this period, a total of 4 sneak visits were made by my boss to see how i am doing. No idea what's their impression of me but well guess so long as i am doing my job can le..
Right now end of job, my next plan is the trip to genting!! Although went there umpteen times but still at least it is an escape for me. After that have to start planning for my studies for next sem le hai.... Next sem is going to be quite crucial as i need to seriously pull up my CAP in order to qualify for honours..Hmm..jia you jia you ba!! :0
Shing Signing Off......