ProMoteR JoB...
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
After a long long long wait, still no jobs on hand........
Just got a call from the agency saying that i was accepted for the job as a weekend promoter. Initially didn't really wanted the job but as sj wanted so son't mind going with her. The interview was supposedly on friday but as we went for an interview as a waiter previously, we couldn't make it so had to postpone it to monday. Sj got a job as a waitress after that so in the end i went alone since i felt kind of bad not to go for the interview since we keep changing the timing before that. Didn't really expected it, thought i would be rejected or what but well...
Went for the briefing, got the shirt & whatever from the agency in the morning.. Basically my job is to promote my product at various supermarkets. Only had a basic pay with no commission involved.
My mum objected to it initially as the work hours were quite late (4pm-10pm) and the rates weren't exactly attractive but guess it is too late to reject the offer now since i agreed le..
Well...just take it as a brand new experience for me lo since i had never worked as a promoter before. Hope my sales will be good
Shing Signing Off......
BiRthDaY CeLebRaTioN
Saturday, 26 May 2007
Went to celebrate 1 of my best sister's birthday today. Had been planning for it for quite some time le.. The gang helped to plan such a wonderful birthday surprise for me previously so this time offered my help to plan a little bit hehe..
Initially wanted to find some place for dinner & buy a nice cake for her but in the end we decided on going kster since we love to sing so much haha. The cake was also then replaced by her favorite donut cake. Me, jean, sy & hw met up in the morning to queue for donuts at the donut factory before meeting the rest of them. Me & jeanie walked alone for a while before going to chinatown to avoid yn from seeing the donuts we brought.

'Donut Cake'

Best Buddies

'Gift Certificate' giving session :p
We waited for all to arrive before sy,hl & jean bought in the donuts all lit up with candles. The kster crew were nice enough to play birthday songs simultanously & yn was so surprise she couldn't stop laughing haha..

After kster, we went to the hawker centre for dinner (kindly sponsored by the birthday gal) before going back home. Hope yn liked the surprise we gave her haha
Once again, happy birthday gal =)

p.s. paiseh leh ah gong for trying to uncover your secret, we were just concerned so hope u don't mind kiex?
and xiao di..thanks for lending a listening ear...
Shing Signing Off......
Saturday, 19 May 2007
Shing Signing Off......
Job SeEk
Monday, 14 May 2007
After resting for quite some time, decided to start looking for a job. Went international plaza again with sj, visited various agencies & filled in tons of forms & went for many interviews hoping that we can get a job somehow. The break is 3 months long so hope at least can work for about 2 months as admin or what to spend the time. But unfortunately, after going to the agencies, almost all said that they currently have no temporary jobs on hand (maybe perhaps all the temporary admin jobs are taken up by those waiting to go to uni just as i did last year) & would call us again so guess I have to wait lo...
Hope can faster get a job & start work.. Am kind of broke these days so have to earn some money back... God bless...=)
Shing Signing Off......
Thursday, 10 May 2007
彼此往后能幸福、快乐 :)
Shing Signing Off......
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Few days ago gotten a free facial voucher from new york skin solutions. Though of going to give it a try since i have never got for a facial before so asked 2 of my friends to go along with me. Once inside, 3 consultants attended to us. They explained to us our skin conditions & what's available & then we went off to have our facial.
Inside was a room with many beds, each sectioned into different compartments by curtains. I changed into a robe & lied on the bed while the consultant placed different kinds of masks on my face. The maks was quite enjoying as it was very cooling but the extraction part..ouch!!! The whole process was about 2 hours; time went pass just like that~
The whole experience was quite ok except that we were kind of heartbroken having to spend so much on a facial package. Hope it will do my skin good at the end :)
But the sad thing was that one of my friend quarrelled with her boyfriend over this & broke up which made me soo guilty over this. Although after some explanations found out that they already have some problems beforehand, it still haunt me as if i had not ask her to go for the facial, maybe things would have been different.........
Well..really dunno wad to say but as a friend, i respect your decision. No matter what happens, i will always be there when you need me. Do cheer up soon kiex?
Shing Signing Off......
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Guess have been too bored slacking at home..keep thinking of a lot of things recently.
Actually right now should say i am undergoing a recuperation period. No, i didn't fall ill or what, it is recuperation for my heart...
All along, I have this crush on this particular guy and this crush lasted for many years. Right now, i am faced my the fact that it is impossible for us to get together for he will never have any feelings for me. I have been deceiving myself all this while and right now it is time i face the hard cold fact.
But is it really possible to let go of this feeling completely? Afterall i have held him close to my heart for so long. Right now, my heart hurts everytime i try to let it go. I wanted to see & talk to him so much but i know if i do, i can never truely let go....It is going to be a long and tough period but well..this is what i have to accept and do...
Hope i can really forget with the help of time & open up my heart again to accept someone who's truely there for me...
Shing Signing Off......
Special MeSSageS...
Gonna say a few words to my friends......those not in the list no need to read lo~
yt, cheryl, sj ~ paiseh for not being able to go to M cafe with you all. Shall go together next time kiex?? Looking forward to our chocolate bufet date!! :)
darling ~ no need say sorry..really appreciate that you spent time to celebrate with me even though you are not feeling so good. Don't feel bad kiex or I'll feel more bad de.. luv ya gal & take care ya!! :)
dear brother ~ you no need say sorry also...thanks for celebrating with mui mui...
Eric ~ thanks for your gift! :)
jean, sy,yg & the rest of the gang ~ thanks for whatever you have done, luv ya all!! *muacks* :)
ah gong ~ 快点找个 ah ma 给我哦 :P
Shing Signing Off......
HappiE HappiE BiRtHdaE!! :)
Happie birthdae to me...happie birthdae to me...happie birthdae to mee~...happie birthdae to me!! :)
Yeah!!~ My birthday is here!! =D Have been going out everyday after the exams with different groups of friends to celebrate my birthday. Woo~ think my waist has grown another 2 inches by the end of it haha
On sat, went out with by sec sch buddies. We went to watch spiderman 3 which was absolutely fantastic! Myst watch it ppl!! This part 3 of the spiderman series is much better & much exciting that the 1st 2 even though the flying scenes makes me a little groggy
After the movie, we went Jack's place to have dinner. Jeanie made a reservation earlier & the 10 of us went in & sat on the table long enough to have 2 different conversations without interupting either...(well, my sec sch gang is always that big, only left with hl who's stuck in camp doing duty~) Never eaten steak before so it's my first time trying. Not too bad but it was really filling & I ended up being the last to finish it -.-
After that they suggested going to swenson's to have desert which really shocked me as I was really full to the brim. Are you guy's stomachs that big??? But it turned out that they have a surprise cake for me! Was kind of embarassed when they sang birthday song to me & requested that I picked up all the choc chips on the cake with my mouth as the whole restuarant turned to look at me!! haha but it was soo sweet of them to plan all these surprises, really appreciated it & really very very filling haha..Luv ya all guys!! =D

Me & the cake :)

Kanna teased by them... :(
Gals in black
Best Buds! (too bad sy not in pic...)
Mua & Jean..
Went back home after that only to realise that the birthday card they made for me is with my friend who took a different bus from me ~.~ Nvm, get it from you another day :)
Then on sun, went celebrating with my JC gals. They were all so secretive the moment I meet them, yt & cheryl kept mumbling among themselves while sj kept distracting me with other topics.. Well dunno what's under your sleeves but juz gonna enjoy myself!! :)
Went to the fish& co glasshouse for dinner. The restuarant was soo packed that we ended up waiting for an hour before getting a place. Ordered seafood platter for 2 with yt & sj & ended up eating all the mussels in the pan ~.~
Then, despite my soft pleas, I was asked by the fish & co gang to stand on the chair wearing a silly clown hat with all of them singing their special birthday cheers. Soo embarassed but luckily there's another birthday boy beside me so it was better hehe.. Was asked to blew out the candles on the cake while standing on the chair.. Luckily(or unfortunate since I am turning 20) I have only 1 candle to blow. The poor guy beside me had soo many candles that I ended up helping me to blow some haha
We went back home after that. Initially they were planning of going to M cafe to celebrate further but because I can't afford to stay out late on 2 consecutive nights we didn't. So sorry gals for being so 扫兴..shall go again next time kiex? :)
Then on mon, went out with my uni friend. Only a few came as most time them already went back to malaysia or is busy moving their stuff into the new rooms. Went to Changing Appetites eat. The mall was very empty maybe because it was monday & lunchtime is over. Not very used to seeing an empty mall. The food there was quite nice esp the cheesy chicken Yum~ After that we went loitering around; went to arcade to play daytona & the 'hitting' game then to toy 'r' us to press on some toys. Although it was kind of bored but appreciate them for willing to spend time out to celebrate with me :) Then later that night went out to eat at a chinese restuarant with my family before going back home for my birthday cake.
Phew~ a birthday filled with fun & laughter & bloatedness haha. Thanks a lot guys& gals for celebrating with me..really enjoyed myself!! Love ya all!! =D As the day passed, I have grown another year older~~ 二头了 another year to being a real adult.. guess I gonna be more mature now (but i still have the excuse to be childish before my 21st birthdae rite? :P )
Shing Signing Off......
ExAmS OveR!!!
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Woohoo!!!!~ Finally hell is over & i am freeee.....!!!!!!!!!
After almost 1 month of 'bi-guan' to study for the exams, it's finally over!! This sem's really sux, at least i feel that it is kind of worse than that of last sem's. Last sem, at least i have some confidence on almost all the papers even though the results wasn't really that great but this time round, i really have got no idea what am i doing, especially my biochem & org chem papers in which i left a 20 marks question blank for the later. And my IT paper, after checking through with my friends, I realised i have more than 10 questions wrong. Considering the number 'genius' in the cohot, i guess the paper is yet another goner..
Last sem got exactly the CAP to qualify for honours, if this sem my CAP is to drop again....haix Goodness, just hoped that i can get through this round if not i can go jump down the building le..
Whatever it is, at least it is over. Being the last to finish the paper among most of my friends, finally this is the time to relax! Tomorrow will be meeting my gang to celebrate my birthday so really looking forward to that!!
In addition, last night was my last night in hall. After staying for 1 year, frankly speaking i have experienced what is hall life & learnt a lot along the way but i guess after being cropped in my small room for most of the time during the exams, i guess i still missed home even though i loved the independance i get there. To my hall friends, thanks for being part of my memories. Won't forget you all de!! =)
And now....PLAY TIME!!! =)
Shing Signing Off......