PhanToM of The OpeRa
Monday, 9 April 2007
The famous musical Phantom of the Opera is here is Singapore again!! I remembered that this musical once came to Singapore many years ago when i was still in secondary school & i have always wanted to catch it but didn't as the tickets were really very expensive. And now..finally..I am going to watch it!! :)
It was my first time stepping into the esplanade to watch a real life musical. The threate was quite magnificant, quite like the music halls i saw in tv & it was packed with people (a testiment of how popular this musical is). The stage was decorated with all the beautiful & elaborate props & beneath the stage was a full orchestra. Only a true musical could have such elaborate settings.
And the show starts! The phantom of the opera is actually a story about a the phantom who falls in love with singer Christine. He taught her how to sing & even helped her to be the lead singer of many performances. But Christine only see the phantom as a teacher; she fell in love with her childhood friend instead. As the phantom's procession if Christine increases, she begins to fight off, resulting in a tragic end whereby the threate falls along with the phantom...
The story was quite a touching 1 & together with the magnificant stage effects and nice songs, it was a really nice show worth every cent of the ticket. Almost wanted to grab some souvenirs on the way out but didn't in the end as it was kind of costly but nonetheless the show alone was something I truely enjoyed!
So people wait no longer & catch this musical soon!

Shing Signing Off......
HappiE BiRtHdaE YueTinG!!
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
Happy Birthday
Yueting! :)
Jurong point to celebrate her birthday yesterday. Initially planned to buy her a present or give her a little surprise but all of us were too busy with all those tests that none had the time to buy.
Paiseh gal :p
In replacement, we treated her to a meal at Billy Bombers. I liked the
ambience at billy bombers, esp the cute old fashioned musical-box menu at the side of the table.
Food wise was quite nice. Loved the mocha & cookie&cream milkshakes! We chatted & walked around for a while before going back to our hostel. While waiting for Cheryl's boyfriend to
finsh eating his dinner, we teased
yt's boyfriend with
smses. It was quite
hillarious by how he replied to our teases even though he knew it was all but a trick
It was quite late when we got back to our hall but not too late for another traditional x9 birthday surprise!
haha~ Initially wanted to cook some starch & pour it over her body but the starch mixture just refuse to thicken so in the end we just mixed some shampoo & other stuff together. It's the cleanest of them all lo
Once again happy birthday gal!! =)
Shing Signing Off......
xqrj rebranding
Monday, 2 April 2007
Now moving on to the 10th year, xqrj is planning to take a greater step towards profssionalism: making xqrj a brand. Branding would mean that our logo, fonts & even the arrangement of our logo & name has to be standardised, as what big external companies would do. This move would also come in coincidence with our 10th anniversary, hoping to bring xqrj to new heights.
But as always, things are easier said than done. There's a lot of work that needs to be done in order to create a brand~ which fonts & colour to use, how should the name & logo be arranged, the design of the logo etc.. Guess we have to go through this design planning process again...
Looking back, I have really learnt a lot in xqrj. Through the design team, i learnt about the design process and how to convey our messages through the different styles & concept. Outside of design, learnt a lot of things through the interaction with outside agencies & partners. Having been through all these, i guess rebranding would be 1 of the last things i want to do for this comm before the new comm is set up. Guess not just me, but all those in the rebranding team would think the same. Rebranding would also mean easier work for the design team as they would not have to rack through their brains to think of fonts & colour like we did & can concentrate further on creating their own style for the publicity items
Sound so political suddently but i guess this is the sense of achievement i get from it. Can't wait to see what the end product will be like. 心情溶剂 加油!!
Shing Signing Off......
EsCapE to thE WorLD of FuN!!
Sunday, 1 April 2007
Yesterday was an exciting day!
Went escape theme park in the morning. Have been cropped in hall studying for soo long so the design team decide to go out to have some fun & unwind a bit!! :)
We gathered in hall early in the morning & set off to Pasir Ris by train & then took a bus to downtown east. Skipped a stop & as a result we had to walk a long way back under the scorching hot sun (thx to yuye..), but all grumbles disappeared as we neared the theme park! Hasn't been to the theme park for quite some time already, think for about 7 years now... So our goal today: sit on every single rides in the park at least once!! Woohoo~
Once inside, we hurried to join the queue for the rides. The weather was very hot & all of us were tanned under the sun & scorched by the burning seats @.@ My favourite rides include the Go-Kart (which was so cool having able to drive at high speeds), the Inverter (totally not for the faint hearted), the rainbow ride (which we sat over & over again..), the water ride & not forgetting the water bumper boats (which had us all drenched :p) Opps..did i just named all the rides in the park? haha
In the late afternoon, rain begin to fall just as we were queuing up for our 2nd turn for the inverter. As usual, no one brought umbrallas so we ran all the way to the shuttle bus stop which took us to White sands shopping mall. As all of us were wet, we went shopping around for dry clothes before going for dinner. Had a nice plate of Char kuey theow :)
Then after dinner, we went to ACS (barker) for the Talent Quest which was organised by NUS Science Club. Talent Quest was somewhat like XQRJ just that tq has many catergories like solo singing, group singing, original songwriting etc while xqrj is an exclusive song writing competition. The show that night was nice just that it's sound quality isn't that good. I must applause for it's marketing team though for being able to secure strong sponsors for the event like Singtel, Teenage etc.. Hope x10 MnT will be able to secure strong sponsors too!
After a long & tiring day, all of us took a cab back hall. Had a shock by how tanned i was when i showered. Wow, this is how harmful Singapore's sun is haha. My nose is peeling right now (ouch!) Hope can get better by the end of the week. Now, time to put more moisturiser on my nose.....

1,2,3 Fight!!!

All dranched...
The ultimate inverter..

Go Kart!!
Superwoman !??
Me & Kuan Siang in train

Shing Signing Off......