ScH's StArtinG~
Sunday, 25 February 2007's the end of the recess week..
Have been trying to catch up with my work these days but as you know, how can anyone have the mood to study when it's cny? Right now only managed to finish watching org chem & phy chem webcasts, still have biochem (which has no webcasts for goodness sake), genes & IT to catch up ~.~" Hope i can really make it.......
Moving my stuff back to hall later tonight & school starting tomrl.. hai jia you ba! 不行也得行啊...
Here's my tests dates:
3/3 Genes test
6/3 phy chem test
7/3 org chem test
23/3 genes essay
Shing Signing Off......
ChinEsE NeW YeAR!!!
Saturday, 24 February 2007
Happie Chinese New Year ppl!!! :)
Tis' the season to collect angbaos again hehe :P & of course lots of family gathering!
On new year eve, i was busy unpacking the stuff i bought home from hall & spring cleaning my room. Phew~hard work :S Luckily i finished just in time for the reunion dinner. Our reunion dinner always has steamboat with hotplate for us to bbq food on it. Yummy!! Then after the hearty meal & washing up, stayed up to watch tv shows until about 3am before going to sleep (partial 守夜 hehe)
On the day itself, as always went to my 大姑 house first to 拜年. My 大姑 suffered from slight dementia & her conidition seemed to have gotten worse as she could hardly recognise me & ask me the same question over & over again without she herslef knowing it. Feel really sad for her, hope she can recover soon..
Then next we went to my grandpa's house to have dinner. My grandpa's house is always full of life during Chinese New Year for all my aunts & cousins would come back & get together. Though not as lively as when my granny was alive, everyone still cherish the time we get together to wish each other happy new year & receive hongbaos. (guess i still missed her a lot...)
This year, my grandpa catered buffet in the house, consisting of noodles, rice, curry, pork...lotz of stuff. Guess catering saves us much effort & time having to cook for so many people & later having to wash the dishes :)
After that I played & chatted with my cousins who have so obviously grown much older (ok...matured :p) before going off to River hongbao with my family. As usual there isn't much things to see except for the cute 12 zodiac figurines and the food fair which are the main attractions every year. But this year, we managed to catch the fireworks on time! The fireworks were so beautiful, with colourful lights sparkling in different patterns on the dark sky. Magnificent!!!
The next few days i went around visiting my reletives' house, both from my dad's & mum's side & went shopping around...Then today, my reletives gathered at my house for dinner. Have been so busy helping my mum preparing & cooking all the dishes. Woo~soo tiring!! But seeing all of them enjoying the meal, guess it was worth it :) They just left home after a night of chatting & gambling so now finally i have the time to update my blog :)
With a blinking of an eye, the cny week is over. Received quite a number of hongbaos but haven't really total the money yet hehe. Another year have passed & the year of the pig has arrived~ hope everything will go well this year! Btw today is 人日 so happy birthday everyone!! :)
祝大家猪年大吉!! 新年快乐!! 人日快乐!!
p.s ah ma...祝你新年快乐
Shing Signing Off......
ReCeSs wEEk...
Saturday, 17 February 2007
Recess week has started & that means half of this sem has just swooshed away..
I still have soo many things not yet catched up; org chem, phy chem, biochem, gene & soc, IT......
Think my CAP this sem is going to slip way down :( Must not let it happen! Have to really catch up everything by the end of the week but the CNY period coincidently clashed with our recess week & that means the 1st few days is gone to house visiting, playing....all except studying. Why can't NUS just postpone the recess week to a week later so that we can fully make use of the period to catch up?? :(
Now that xqrj has ended, all of a sudden I felt empty inside as from having a hectic life, I suddently had nothing to do.. Guess right now I have to really put my effort into my studies right now, catch up whatever I missed during the hectic period & prepare for the neverending tests after the break.....
Gonna move back home to stay for the week so have to pack some stuff back le..
Happy Chinese New Year in advance!!
p.s Happy belated birthdae Kane!!! Hope you liked the surprise!! Can never escape sabo de hehe =D
Shing Signing Off......
SwEEt VaLeNtinE's !! :)
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
Today is sweet sweet Valentine's Day. Happie Valentine's Day to all couple & also to all others who are single like me :)
Had a sweet day today.. To start with, 1 of my JC buddy received a bouquet of flowers from her boyfriend right in the middle of lecture!! Oh my god!! Soo sweet!! :) haha but she was quite embarassed when she went down to collect it from the delivery man, guess I'll be soo embarassed too haha...
Then after that during lunch my 2 sweet buddies brought me 3 stalks of daisy!! The stems were a bit long hence it was quite awkward carrying around but nonetheless it was soo sweet & nice of them. Then while eating, yt dropped sj's phone into a bowl of lor mee!!! The 3 of us laughed like mad for it was just soo hilarious! Poor yt had a hard time later washing sj's phone but as it was an old model, the phone kind of cranked up. Yt was soo guilty that in the end she lent sj her old phone in replacement....
Later at night, I went to watched our hall's Chinese Drama production held in UCC theatre. The play was named Love at Blossom Peach Garden and it was a hilarious play about 2 theatre group fighting for the use of the stage & ended up having 2 plays on 1 stage. After the play, we went on to take photos again at the reception area & I received yet another 2 stalks of daisy & a small balloon from 2 seperate guys who were been haunted by the salesperson selling flowers in conjunction of Valentine's Day haha.. The total number of flowers now totalled to 6 (plus a handmade flower from Sinyee :) ) Too bad i didn't have a camera or I'll show you all the flowers.
Btw, nice job Chinese Drama!! Congratulations on your success!! :) The show was really nice!
And also Happie Birthdae to dear Pik Wei!! Hope you like the 'FLOWER' we gave you & sweet valentine's too!! :)

Me & Sinyee

Kane smiling so happily standing in between 2 mei nu ;P
Shing Signing Off......
x9 FeaST!!
Monday, 12 February 2007
Yesterday was a day to celebrate for x9. As tradition, our 3 lao bans are giving us a feast; x9 庆功宴. We went to Yuki Yaki Restuarant at Marina Square. The restuarant is some sort like Soul Garden where we can cook our food either tomyam or chicken soup & bbq on a hot plate & in addition cook ice-cream on the same plate!! =D
It was a nice gathering; the food was ok & it was quite fun cooking the ice-cream which is cooked by pouring prepared syrup onto the cold plate & constantly stirring the mixture. Ram & raisin tasted the best but orange flavoured ones were a bit yucky....
After working together for about 5-6 months, we can finally relaxed & enjoy a hearty meal. Everyone gathered together to have fun & eat without having to worry about work, the feeling is really different..really as if we are 1 big family :) Truely love ya guys!!
After the meal, we split into different groups & went off according to our own schedules. Me & a few of my friends went to People's Park as 2 of my guy friends wanted to buy new clothes & we (all 3 gals) ended up waiting for them for an 1 hour!!!! Goodness..never knew guys would shop for soo long too..............
What a enjoyable & tiring day!! Yawnz...

Design Team!!
Shing Signing Off......
ViSit To ERic's HoUse
Sunday, 11 February 2007
Yesterday, 1 of my uni friend Eric invited the whole comm to his house to have dinner. His house is over at Jalan Selamat, near tampines. As the group was quite big, we decided to buy some foodstuff at tampines mall before going over. We shopped at NTUC & bought 2 roasted chickens, 2 box of yu sheng, pamelo & raw salmon since the new year is coming. We almost bought sphagetti and frozen nuggets as Mingen has a craving for sphagetti and suggested cooking over at his house but luckily we didn't as Eric's mum already prepared a pot of sphagetti with sauce for us.
After buying what we wanted, we met up with Eric and walked about 10 mins to his house which is a 2-story terrace house with quite a big living room. We went up to his room which he shared with his brother & saw a lot of soft toys (amazing isn't it to see so many soft toys in a guy's room). He insisted those weren't his but his brother hahaha (ya la know you prefer real life gerbil to soft toys haha)
Dinner was delicious. Eric's mum prepare homemade meatball soup and norhiang besides the sphagetti & the chicken we bought. Homecook dishes are really different! We then went on the lao yu sheng! Woo~ it was a mess!! but it tast quite nice despite of the look haha

Then after that we went to sing karaoke at his living room and the songs we sang (well you may not guessed it) are those top 10 finalists' songs. We are a bunch of xqrj enthusiasts!!! Then after that, we spent hours having a heart to heart talk....about love life & such It was a really long & exciting talk & we uncovered some of the inner secrets of some others hehehe..:p
It was about 3am when we left. No buses & trains then so we all took a cab back in batches. Thanks Eric for inviting us to his house & thanks to his mum for the dinner! Next we will be having a bigger feast from our 3 lao bans!! :)

Shing Signing Off......
Sinyee's BiRthDaY!!
Saturday, 3 February 2007
Today is the birthdae of my 'twin' in uni! Yesterday after hallplay, we gathered together to prepare for her celebration. Before that we bought some balloons, candles, cream & flour and of coz a birthday cake for her. We blew up some balloons & put in some flour in it; kane had a really hard time blowing those balloons haha, tried blowing three balloons together, 1 inside another but ended up well....u noe...hahaha
Over at the other side we arranged the candles to make it spell Happy B'day Sinyee and tried lighting all up but the wind that night was really too strong so we ended up lighting some & giving up the rest...
And it was time for the birthday gal to arrive!! The guys blindfolded her and pasted some paper eyes and whatnot, making her look like some funny toy haha..We then unfold her & sang birthday song around the candles (kind of romantic :D) After that is the usual practise of throwing flour & cream all over her & everyone else!!! Woo~ never fail to get dirty..
Anyway had a fun night, hope she enjoyed what we had prepared for her! Last but not least


Here comes the star (piggybacked by kah hsiung )

Sinyee before...

...and after

Shing Signing Off......
KE 7 HaLL pLAy ProDucTion..
Friday, 2 February 2007
Today is the big day for another of our hall's major committee, Hallplay. The play is at UCC Theatre and is held on 2 days, 2nd & 3rd of Feb. The whole xq comm went for their first show and some turned up in very formal dressing. Goodness they looked as if attending a formal dinner & yet I was wearing shirt & jeans!!! :S But frankly speaking, the gals really look so pretty & elegant & Kah Hsiung woo~ look so smart
wearing his coat haha...
So we the rojak group of formality & informality set off to UCC after dinner. Upon reaching there, the hallplay reception are all formally dressed, it was then I realised it's their tradition to have formal codes. Well..I guessed I didn't look too badly with my shirt & jeans :p
As we came a little late, we were assigned to sit on the 2nd level which view isn't very good but still ok... I would say the play was very well done, the actors & actresses played very well in delivering the whole story. The story was about a guy & a gal who met & the guy fell in love with her almost immediately. But as the guy has to go on war, the both of them can only communicate through letters. The gal never once revealed her identity to him until one day when he came back home, she finally told him who she was after making sure that he was one who can be relied upon. It was kind of a touching love story with a hilarious touch on it. Truely enjoyed the show entirely. After that, as usual, we went to take photos at the reception area before going back to hall.
Nice job Hallplay!! Congratulations on your successful production!!! Looking forward to next year's production!! :)

Me & Eng Seng (wearing my jacket which is obviously too small for him)

'Carrier Boy' :p
Design Team
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