x9 DeSiGn ItEms...
Wednesday, 31 January 2007
Finally the grand final is over..... During these 5-6 months of hard work, I can really say the whole xqrj committee did a very great job!! From the starting to the end, we perserved and did a lot of things; design wise we came up with a whole range of publicity items. Here's the whole list of them....

XQRJ logo

Flyer for roadshow

Programme Booklet & CD
Sercurity Pass
Our Golden Egg for result announcement
Shing Signing Off......
9th XQRJ GranD fiNaLs!!!!
Sunday, 28 January 2007
Finally..the day for our grand finals!! On friday, we bumped into UCC early in the morning with all our stuff. Everyone is excited yet worried & anxious about the event, afterall we spent a lot of time & effort organising this competition. We arrived at UCC in different batches and went in straight after we received our passes.

UCC Hall
The judges' room was a small room with a whiteboard, a cabinet, a TV which showed what is going on on stage & a nice sofa which ended up being the sleeping place for the crew. We moved in a table to facilitate the scoring process during the event. Me & and partner hurried to 'decorate' & put everything in place as fast as we could & it turned out to be a nice cozy room where we sat, chat & worked =D

Judge's Room
Over in the hall, the judges table has been set up. The seats has 1 of the best views of the stage (other than that of the VIP seats at the side) & me & my partner have the privillege to sit alongside with the judges & enjoy the show but too bad I can only watch the 1st half of the show :( )
After a last rehersal on that day itself, the real event is finally here! After a short briefing with the judges, we set off to the hall and the show begins!! The opening ceremony was quite good with leon kicking the eggshell open and singing our theme song..cool!! =D Then next the performance of our 10 finalists. I could only say that their practices have really paid off; the performances were good although there are a few minor hiccups.
The judges spiced up the event with their friendly & hilarious comments and the mtv instead of living up the ambience (well it did but in an unexpected way...poor damian...) became kind of the joke of the day. Perhaps maybe we can choose the option of allowing the constestants themselves act in the mtv instead of the comm members.

Judges in judge room
Other than that, I guess we really did a great job!! I can really feel like I am at a grand concert; the lightings & sounds...great jobs guys!! :)
I went back backstage after the 1st half of the programme to compute the scores before my partner bought the judges back in to discuss on the results. Luckily, the judges were very cooperative and we churned out the results real fast even oks was shocked haha. After guiding the judges on stage to receive their souvenirs, my job is considered done. What's left is the grand finale whereby everyone of us went onstage to receive our applause. I must say this was a proud moment! Even though I was blinded by the lights, upon hearing the loud applause and our theme song, my tears almost welled up; everything I did was worth it!!
Finally the show has ended. Everyone hurried to unpacked everything and took all the photos we can & bumped out of UCC hall. Finally after about 5 months of hard work, everything has paid off. Although really tired, but the satisfaction is really there; some of us even went to bedok with the lorry we rented for supper!!
Now thinking back, all those hectic days..guess I am going to miss it :( Although there were a lot of grumbles & such, guess all these really paid off. All I wanted to say was GREAT JOB GUYS!!!
After 5 months of hard work, we present to you the 9th XQRJ grand finals!! Hope those who went to watch it truely enjoyed it & thanks to all those who really helped us during these period; all the judges, contestants, sponsors, printers.......
XQRJ rox!!! 创所欲言, try 出新自我!! =D
Guest artiste Chen Weilian (too bad I not in pic :( )
p.s. thx to those who bought tix frm me..really appreciate it..hope u all enjoyed!!! :)
Shing Signing Off......
tHe EnD IS coMMinG sOOn......
Thursday, 25 January 2007
Have been too busy and hectic these days to update my blog so the postings might be a little laggy.....
Have been going through many rehersals these few days in preparation for the grand finals. Everyone in XQRJ have been quite hectic this month; sleeping less than 6 hours everyday, skipping lectures to chiong out everything etc...woo wonder how we survived through...
All the design stuff have finally been completed! (except the video side with lotz of editting to do) CD is in & on the way, programme booklet finally in!! Have been rushing through programme booklet these few weeks; missed the datelines, dun even have the time to check through everything, getting rushed by the printer & such...I just hope everything will turn out well.............
What's left now is the final bits & pieces of stage decor. Everyone have been coming down to lend a hand but discouragingly the decor have been repeatedly critisized by seniors as being sloppy as such.. Guess everyone have been too lack of sleep as such to really look at the things as a whole and we are really in need of more time!! :S
Judges that side has been hectic too...soo many things to do & I seemed to do it alone.......have been kind of complaining about yx but now come to think of it i guess i shouldn't have since everyone else has their own share of work & worries too....
2 more days to the much anticipated finals! Tomorrow we will be having our bump in so is going to be a busy day too.
Everyone jia you ba!!! 创所欲言,try 出新自我!!
Shing Signing Off......
aNyoNe tHeRe??? i cAn'T BREATHE!!!!
Saturday, 13 January 2007
~.~ these few weeks have been realllyyy hectic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
soo many datelines to rush!!!!!!! soo little time yet sooo many things to do!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
the whole design team has been doing day & night trying to rush out everything, esp the program booklet. Am really scared we can't rush out on time :( Video side is the same, getting everyone alse to stick to the timetable for mtv shooting have been tough since everone else have been soo busy with their own stuff. CD production side have been going on quite smoothly so i don't really have to worry about that. Stage decor side have been a real mess too. Guess siyang was really stressed up by all those materials as not all materials can be easily found plus we have to look out for our budget too...really not an easy job :S
Have been chionging & worrying all day & night with all those design stuff only have a few hours to rest and yet I still have to settle stuff over at the judges side. Nothing have been done and my partner dosen't really seem to care but well..what needs to be done have to be done..
The design for the final production t-shirt have been done, sizes & names collected. Will be sending all those down this week.
1 down, many more to go...jia you ba!!
Shing Signing Off......
Happy Birthday mum!!
Tuesday, 9 January 2007
Just wanna say
Happy Birthday Mummy!!Love you always! *muacks!* :)
Shing Signing Off......
Work has OnLy BeGun...
Monday, 1 January 2007
After much anticipation, guessing & gossiping around, the posts for design project 5 has finally been announced by our secretive lao ban...
Both pik wei & damian as expected went on to do the final videos, miau poh is in charge of CD production, Siyang in charge of stage decor, oks, qichao both in programme booklet with sinyee in charge (good luck man..) and guess what, I am in charge of the whole project!!! :S Goodness..really never expected it. No idea what kane saw in me...(oks..i would galdly exchange with you as you said...)
Can only imagine how much stuff there is to do, heard the seniors talking about the gruelling, most xiong programme booklet & stuff... Well got to really step up on it and hope everything can run smoothly and well!
Btw, yueting and ellen have both been elected to head the whole committee in the finals, had been appointed as judges ic yet again, together with yuexing.. Not really good in my communication skills as always but hope can learn and hone it using this as an experience
XQRJ rox!! ppl jia you!!!!
Shing Signing Off......
FrEsH nEw YeAR..FrEsH nEw BegiNNiNG!
It's the new year!! Year 2007..can't really believed I survived the year 2006!! Remembered I spent the1st half of the year in the gruelling working life; 1st at SGH, then being a relief teacher at my previous sec sch (1 of my worst nightmare ever :S) then finally at PI. My first working experiences have been quite smooth I guess; everyone there took good care of me during that period as a small little gal (everyone kept saying I look like a 16 yr old waiting for 'O' level results instead of 'A' level) Guess I really have to thank my mentor and my da da jie for taking such good care of me and without any holding back taught me those valuable skills and willing to forgive me for any mistakes I made :p
And then finally in august, my first step towards 'exciting' uni life. Moved into King Edward 7 Hall with 1 of my JC buddy, joined xqrj and now survived through 1 semester of uni life..time really flies!!
Now is 1 of the busiest period for all xqrjians as our finals is coming up on the 27th of Jan. Everyone have been stuck in in x rm rushing out whatever we need to do for the finals..
So missed the life out there :( But besides that guess I dun really have any complains since I am doing what I like :)
School starting soon in a few weeks time..gotta chiong for both xqrj & studies again..hope everything will be good & well in this new year!!
HappY NeW YeAR eVerYoNE!!!!! =)
Shing Signing Off......